Heres a picture of Ulle from Sweden when I met her in Palm Springs. I understand since this picture was taken Ulle has fallen in love and lost weight. She told me to tell you that this picture was taken when she wasn't training.

Here I am with Sheryl meeting Jeff in Boston for the 104th running of the marathon.

I also met Andy there in Boston. Here we are after the marathon celebrating our finishing. Thats Andy,me,Tanya, Jeff and Mark and Sheryl in front.

Here's a picture from the 1997 Boston Marathon.
Thats Jeff, Bob, Garland and Jane

Here is Kiwi Bob and his wife, Sheryl and I at our meeting in San Diego

Here is CJ and Balls(Martha) meeting us in San Diego for the Rock and Roll Marathon

Here is CJ, Martha, Debbie and Jim also out here to run the Rock and Roll Marahton

CJ, Pete, Martha and Dabs in San Diego

A group shot after the Rock n Roll marathon at Pete's place

Well here's our meeting with Cameron at the Monterey Airport. As you can see he is smiling!! Cameron took the meeting very well. He wasn't even offended by our east Indian accents. Of course I don't think he liked us jumping out in the middle of the airport and yelling his name and wearing our lovely head dress.