I got it for free at



So who is to blame for all this?


We don't want to take all the credit, but the concept and first bumbled attempts at HTML originated from the minds of three guys who have been hanging around both the Mentone and Sandringham clubs for many years. Most people can't really work out we do. Its been many a year since two of us ran a PB. Most of the youngsters see our bloated bodies and our never-quite-completed training sessions and refuse to believe we ever achieved anything. We hope this cyber-effort impresses them to some extent.
The one thing we do have in common is that we love the sport, think it needs better promotion, and have been willing to get off our bums to do something. We hope others follow suit, particularly those who actually get paid to do a job we'd give our right arm for an opportunity to hold.

The Culprits
Anthony Harper Sandringham

Known to all as Tönza, this man once was once a reasonably quick 800m runner (1.59.2s), and he can still occasionally be seen considering a run-through or two. A former Mentone athlete, he went to Sandy along with a number of others in the big A-Grade scandal of 1991-2. He has set many club records over the years, including the most excuses to get out of training, and slowest second lap ever in a State League 800m (approximately 80 seconds!).

Justin Hanrahan Mentone
While Jussie has yet to contribute coding wise, he is the main man in terms of organisation. Safely back on Australian shores after a few too many years building golf-courses in Asia, he returned to his decath days of old in 1998/9 (with a new pb over 6000pts!). He loves nothing better than to do nine events on a Saturday after running around with a clipboard at State League on Thursday. Brother of much-missed former Mentone Club Captain Matt, who is busy gallivanting around the world and neglecting his many charges back home.
Check out his
player profile.

André Sammartino Mentone
Scribe of much of the drivel on these pages, André is rumoured to have once won an All-Schools title over 400m. Ten years and a good twenty kilos later, he is content to reminisce and entertain the kiddies on Saturdays with his wobbly stomach and funny impersonations of a guy having a heart attack. There is no truth to the rumours he will ever try in a race again, but he will continue to brag to Tönza about the day he qualified over 800m at State League.
Check out his
player profile.

You're not the first person to wonder who we are, as people have asked that question since we started fiddling around on August 27, 1998.