Fly's 14th Annual Three Strikes Pool

What it is!

Welcome to 3 Strikes 2006!

Joe Nap takes home One Division Teaser for 2nd Consecutive Year! $500

Latest Standings
Make sure to check out the Wrap Sheet on Page 2 of the Standings! And use the Zoom to see the Standings Sheet!
2005 Weekly Standings!
Week 1 Week 5 Week 9 Week 13
Week 2 Week 6 Week 10 Week 14
Week 3 Week 7 Week 11 Week 15
Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16
Final Standings!!!
You'll need Acrobat Reader to see the standings! Get it here

2004 Prize Breakdown
$75 Registration Fee
1st Place - $2,300.
2nd Place - $1,150.
3rd Place - $700.
4th Place - $200.
Joe Jr - All in One - $500. Now 4 teams per division.
One in All Teaser - $500. Now 8 divisions in the NFL.
Bottom Feed Teaser $150.

Please note: When leaving picks on the hotline, if you hit the pound sign (#) just start talking.
Don't forget to leave some feedback on the hotline! 2 and the # sign for the feed back mailbox!
Suggestions too! Your voice could be heard by millions!

Final Standings 3 Strikes 03

Past Years Standing Are Back - Still Need to Put '04 up!
2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997

? 1998

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