We stick it out to the end!

Over-the-Hill Men's Running Team


FITNESS and FRIENDS - The Physical, No-Brainer Stuff

The "glue" that holds it all together for us and makes life enjoyable, is a combination of family, friends, and distance running. The infamous "Foothill Flashers," not to be confused with the "Hashers" [Drinkers with a running problem], is a proud bunch of competitors. If that sounds like an attempt to make us appear respectable, we admit that our friends know that the Flashers are quite the opposite. While individually each of us has his respected place in his business, profession and community (We make NEWS!), as a team we are unrespectable and irreverent (an attitude with a smile and a wink). :-)

Of course, we are long distance runners, and our specialty is the relay. We often travel to distant places to do our competing.

We travel by jet!

In 1991 we ran the Hood to Coast Relay in Oregon. Another year it was the Rainier to Coast Relay in Washington, and in 1987 it was the 176 miles Jasper to Banff Relay. In the fall of 1995 it was Virginia for a race that was cancelled, sadly, the week before we arrived. The Tahoe Relay (Robert DeCelle Memorial) is a favorite. We've run the Tahoe race ten times since 1983. Four of those times we entered 2 teams. This year, June 12, 1999, was another Great race with weather to match! The winning team was Chico Track Club's Men#1 team that finished more than 13 minutes in front of the runner-up, High-Sierra Track Club. The winning time was 6:58:12. We were 62nd out of 100 finishers, completing the 72 miles in 10:33:58, 5 seconds faster than our time in 1995. We've also run relays in Vancouver and Nova Scotia.

On September 29-30, 2001, we ran the 199-miles, Calistoga to Santa Cruz Relay [now Providian Relay] here in California. Most teams consisted of twelve runners. Each had to run three legs of the course which took us across the Golden Gate Bridge. We finished 84th out of 252 teams in 27 hours, 53 minutes, 44 seconds. We feel good about that! We took 5th in our division, Men's Masters, consisting of members 40 years of age and older. The winner in our division was the open winner, also. In fact, the top 3 finishers in our division were 1st, 3rd, and 6th overall!!

In June, 1997, we competed in the 100-mile Kananaskis Relay in Alberta, and on September 19, 1998, we entered in the 10th Fred Brown Relay [now Lake Winnipesaukee Relay] around Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire. It was FUN and another very well-organized race.

All of us have been running for several years. Some of us have been running since school days, while others started much later in life, yet back in the 60's before it became so popular. Our training schedules are as varied as we are. At least one uses only a local college track for his exercise, while most use city streets. We also have hills, mountains and beaches available from our doorsteps or within a short driving distance.

You might have to bend a little,
) ~ (
but getting and staying in shape can be FUN! :-)
(The benefits ain't half-bad either!)

Links to community, running, aerobic, and fitness sites on the Web

"If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!"
From Rudyard Kipling's "If"


The Foothill Flasher Fight Song

We are the Foothill Flashers are we,
Happy go lucky, bare-ass and free!
We love to run and sing our song,
So give us a beer, and we'll run along!

We are the Foothill Flashers are we!
We stick it out, you'll notice and see!
When we run around the bend,
We'll stick it out to the end!

Music by Michael J. Shea. about 1905 (Notre Dame Fight Song). Lyrics by Dick Marston, 1987.


Contact Foothill Flashers, P.O.Box 10310, Glendale, California, 91209-3310; FAX: (818) 246-5780.


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Updated November 26, 2004


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