Meet the babies....

Shebashine Jayne (Pip) had a litter of 7 puppies on the 29th October 1998. The daddy was Bordercheck Try Milo (a chocolate tricolour owned by Joan Bray).  She had 1 black/white dog, 1 chocolate/white dog, 1 chocolate white bitch, 2 chocolate tricolour bithces, 1 black tricolour bitch and 1 black tricolour dog. It is difficult to discern the tricolour markings from the photos becaue they are only a week old in the photographs. At two weeks the markings became really clear ... anyway, here are the newest members of the Caylith Clan.

Some of the gang's here ... 

And now, one by one ... Storm . the black/white standard
And Fan who is now black tricolour ...
And Jet ...also black tricolour
 This is Moss - a chocolate boy - very dark chocolate!!!

This is Nell - a real trooper. now showing tri markings on a lovely dark chocolate coat.

This is Mist - a chocolate bitch, not showing signs of tri.

And last, but not least, Trebi a really dark and well marked chocoalte tricolour bitch.

Just to show a little comparison here are three of the babies snuggled and you can see how dark the chocolate babies are next to the black dog.


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