Name: Rosa Reth
E-mail address:
Gender: Female
Where I live: Richfield, MN
Age: 12
Gymnastics: Yes and I'm a level 7
Fan: For about 2 or 3 years
Fave gymnast: Vannessa Atler
Great in the future: Jamie Danztchser
Like to see: More contests!
Webpage: no
Contest Won: Gymnastics World Logo Contest
Name: Rachel
E-Mail Address:
Gender: F
Where You live: FL
Do you do gymnastics?: YEP
If so, what level?: 8-9
Fav gymnast: Dominque Dawes, Dominque Moceanu, Vanessa Atler, Jamie D.
Contest Won: Gymnastics World Logo Contest
Rachel, please e-mail me with the address to your web page so I can put it here too!!
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