Frequently Asked Questions

Ok, I realized that this page is not going to work if I do not answer the questions. I will answer all questions but it may take a little while, I started today and am working on catching up. All questions will be posted, and others are depending on your advice!!! Please send in your answers!! Also, questions about gymnasts and competitions are also allowed, they don't have to be about a certain trick.
Please remember that I reserve the right to edit/refuse any requests based on length, clarity, and content.

Question #1
This question comes from Natalie who is a gymnast and a fan.
I am having trouble with my back walkovers. The problem is when I kick my legs over sometimes I only get half way up, and sometimes I don't even get that far.

Well, you have to decide if your problem is mental or physical. If it's just fear that's keeping you from kicking hard enough (which is very likely) then you just need more practice and spots until you feel comfortable with it. It may also help to sit down and talk to your coach about his/her advice. Explain your problem and tell them that it isn't working. You can also try doing a little extra conditioning for you stomach, butt, and upper legs because this will make your kick more powerful. Also, make sure you're no kicking before your hands touch the ground. :-) good luck, Allison

I help my dance teacher with acrobatics and what I tell the kids I teach is that kinda jump off the leg you don't kick and kick as hard as you can. Act like you are kicking someone you don't like that wekk or your dear brother or sister! It works sometimes. It you want you can e-mail me at

Question #2
This question comes from Jenna Gross who is a competitive gymnast.
I need help on my kip.

Well, the most important thing in a kip is timing, so this is probably the cause of your trouble. In this case, it just takes a lot of practice and suddenly you'll be able to do it!! Also, make sure your stomach muscles are strong enough or else your feet will "tap" the ground and you'll lose all of your momentum. When you jump, stick your bottom up like in a pike. As you glide out, put your feet low (but not touching) at first and as you extend out, pull them higher of the ground and strech as if you were reaching out to kick someone. Then, bring your feet up to the bar (careful not to hit it, it hurts if you do!) and pull it up your legs. As you come up, make sure to keep leaning foreward because the most common mistake is getting most of the way up and leaning backward. Pretend that your hair is in a ponytail and you're flipping it foreward over your head.
:-) good luck, Allison

Question #3
This question comes from Whitney D who is a competitive gymnast.
Do you have and exercises that can keep me in good condition while I'm out of the gym for the next 3 weeks?

Ok, I know it took me longer than I said, but since Kristina had the same question, I'm still answering it. Here is the stuff that my coach told me to do that you can do outside of the gym. Do each thing three times.
6-12 pushups with elbows at sides, if it's easy put your feet on something so they're higher than your head
Star Hops-follow the path of a star jumping on right, left, and both 6 times each, use ankle weights if easy
hold handstand against wall-2-5 minutes or 1-3 with ankle weights
Water Bug hops (get in pushup position and hop with hands and feet at same time) 10
ankle jumps jump high enough to point toes with each leg and together or with ankle weights-30 each
put one or both feet on a couch or chair (one foot's harder) and put your hands on ground behind you. with leg, focusing on hamstring, lift your bottom off the ground to the height of your foot -20 times
:-) good luck, Allison

Question #4
This question comes from Elisha who is a recreational gymnast.
Hi, I am 13 years old and I just started gymnastics this summer. I really love gymnastics and i want to be really good some day. Do you think there is any hope for me? How long will it be before I can move up a level? Any advice?

I think there is hope for everyone who has a dream!! you may not be an elite, but you can still be a successful competitive gymnast. It depends on what level you are at now and how close you are to the next level.
good luck, :-) Allison

Question #5
This question comes from Val who is a recreational gymnast.
I need help on my front hip circle. When i do it with a spot I get rips on my thighs, and when I don't have a spot I can't make it around the bar.

About the rips on your thighs, wear bike shorts or boxer shorts over your leo at practice if it's allowed at your gym (it is at mine) and it will help. You should also use lotion on your legs so the skin won't get dry. To do it without a spot, you should push the bar down so it is 1/2 way between your hips and your knees then arch before you lean foreward. Lean foreward and then when you get upside down, pike and no matter what you do keep leaning foreward over the bar, don't push away at the last second.
good luck, :-) Allison

Question #6
This question comes from Kim who is a gymnast and fan.
I can't seem to connect my roundoff backhandspring. I can picture myself doing it perfectly, but when I try I always fall on my head. I jump to the left and I don't have time to get arouns. I need some exercises to do besides timers on the resi.

First of all, if you keep your arms straight, you can not possibly fall on your head. The key to a good backhandspring is a good roundoff. You have to "over rotate" your roundoff or land with your feet in front of your hips. If you stop after the roundoff you should go flying backward onto your bottom. Once your feet are in front of you, the backhandspring is much easier because you don't have to jump as much, it is more like just leaning backward. Try that, it should help, and ask your coach, s (s)he will be able to help you more because (s)he will be able to see you and tell exactly what you are doing.
good luck, :-) Allison Question #7
This question comes from Sheena who is a gymnast and fan
When I do a front handspring I land on the side of my legs instead of straight on my feet. I also want to learn a back handspring. Can you give me some help on how to learn it? How can I land on my feet?

Question #8
This question comes from Jessica who is a gymnastics fan.
I want to join gymnastics but my mom won't let me. I try to do handstands, splits, and backbends at home. How did your mom let you join? Do you have any advice for me?

Question #9
This question comes from Laurel who is a gymnast and a fan.
I am having trouble with my backhandsprings. I jump but I go crooked and don't flip all the way over. When I do it on belt at the gym it's good and I can do it by myself.

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