The Peon is a strange creature. They are characterized by their
different stages in their life cycle. The Peon is the "worker ant"of
the corporation and is considered to be on the lowest step of
the corporate ladder.
- Stage One is when the Peon first makes the jump from Homo Sapien
Studius to Homo Sapien Corporatus. To be initiated as a Homo Sapien Corporatus
(hereafter referred to as H.S.C.) the Homo Sapien Studius must first pass the
Interview. If the H.S.S. passes the Interview
he/she is granted the status of H.S.C. At this point the new H.S.C.
(sometimes known as the common newbie) is given an outline of the structure of
the Corporationand is told of the possibilities if he/she
works hard and is loyal. A skewed overview of the corporate ladder
is given in order to encourage the newbie. The Newbie is filled with
hope and ambition, however this will soon remedy itself as the Newbie becomes
disillusioned with all things corporate. By this time, the newbie is trapped
and has no hope for escape except the corporate ladder.
- Stage 2 is the first stage is disillusionment, the honeymoon is over. At
this point the newbie has adjusted to his/her surroundings, and has started to
blend in with the locals. Through interaction with other H.S.C.'s who may be
further along in their development, the newbie learns the inner workings of the
office. He/she learns of such things as office politics and
restructuring. Their initial reaction will be disbelief.
They will soon come to realize that, instead of being an integral part of the
team, they are as expendable as anyone else.

- Stage 3 is full realization that your career (and therefore life) is
wrapped up in the corporation. This dependancy is not easy to swallow for most
people, especially when they see the company going down the tubes right in front
of their eyes. Even when they have good and valid ideas about how to change
things for the better, there's usually nothing that they can do...