To The
NTU Tigers Gridiron Team
Hello and thanks for visiting our Homepage

We are the Northern Territory University Tigers Gridiron Team, an American Football team from Australia. We play in Darwin which is the capital city of the Northern Territory and are associated with the Territories only University.

We are here on the net to gain some exposure and get in contact with other small gridiron teams around the world and maybe exchange ideas and stories. If you have some interest in Gridiron then why dont you check out the Tigers History which is just the story of our team. Or if you are interested then why not contact us by email and we can exchange ideas or even homepage links if your team has a homepage on the net somewhere. We want to hear from everyone out there, you might have some good plays or training techniques, why don't you pass them on to us.

With input from everyone out there we hope to expand the Teams Homepage, depending on the types of input we have we might set up a tactics page or even the coaches corner if people start sending in some good suggestions. So if you have something to add please don't hesitate to email me. Please only constructive stuff. I will try and get back to everyone that sends something in.

Read about the Tigers History Here

Or go to our links page


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