Chris Witt's Karaoke
Check it out!!
Serving... Beer and other Spirits
Great fun and no cover charge
- Sing-a-long entertainment
- Songs in 7
- Great food & drinks
- Over 4000 songs
- Fun for everyone
Our customers tell us
- Best sound system
- Love the "set up"
- No KJ hassles!
- Great atmosphere
Brass Monkey Restaurant & Bar 659 South Mariposa Ave rear of 3440 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA (213)381-7047
Karaoke Tue thru Sun 9:00 PM to 1:30 AM
Over 4000 "Sing-a-long" Songs
Bring a group... it's great fun!

We at the Monkey are committed to being a part
of the community solution to provide a clean,
safe place for people to have fun.