Welcome to the Philadelphia Flyers unofficial home page. If you are looking for the latest news and information on the Flyers then you have come to the right place. Featured are player profiles, the latest scores and stats, as well as a review of the Flyers last game.
I've been a Flyers fan since early in 1985, when the great Pelle Lindbergh passed away. Two years later, the Flyers had an incredible playoff run, and took the famed Edmonton Oilers to a game 7 in the Stanley Cup Finals. After that, you had to pry me away with a crowbar when the Flyers were on the air.
This page is in no way, shape or form affiliated with the Philadelphia Flyers hockey club or the National Hockey League. Any views or opinions on the Flyers in this page are my own, (Chris Best) as is all the work done on this page. I will *try* to be as objective as possible when I speak about the Flyers, as I am a hockey fan before I am a Philadelphia fan. But I will not hesitate to tear Philly a new one if their play calls for it. And of course, I will raise statues in their honor when the Flyers play well. :-)
Make yourself at home, and prepare yourself for the ultimate Flyers experience.
So without further adieu, click on something and let's be off! :-)