Florida Update for Saturday 8/12

DAY TWO (8/12):

RAIN............Rain........Rain.......and more rain........... 

Bruce Raymond and Steve Orias picked up the team vans at 8:00am. 

At 11:00am, the team was issued their uniforms, bright yellow with black 
letters and numbers. They say "WEST" on the front. They were also issued 
really cool yellow team hats with the World Series logo on the front. (Sorry 
guys, only 17 hats were issued, no extras!) It has not yet been decided if 
the team will wear their regular gray pants, or white pants. 

At 12:30 it was lunch at the Golden Corral Buffet. Then we took the team to 
look at a practice field and the stadium (very cool stadium, pictures to 
follow later). The stadium is 14 miles from the hotel. 

The team made a brief shopping stop at a Nike outlet store to look for yellow 
uniform extras (wrist bands, etc.) 

At 5:00pm we leave for the BBQ and the swim park. 

It is still raining................
