Ed's Triumphant Return - May 5, 2001 - 8:59 pm
Boy oh boy! The journal lives! Well, I've been very VERY busy, but that excuse wont get past anybody. Oh well. Cant complain now, cuz I have an entry, one month and five days later! Maybe I really should take down the part that says "updated daily." That way I can stop heaing you guys bitch and moan =)
How do I even start? Well, after a long though process (trust me, I had time), I think shall just highlight the big moments of last month:
* April 7, the Honors Retreat at Joshua Tree. From the top, Van and I were running WAY late. Well, she was. Long story short, I arrived half an hour late and we still had to go to Vansy's house to pack. Sheesh! Not to mention, by the time I get her house, she wasnt there! She went to buy breakfast! Golly! When we FINALLY get out the door, we're an hour and a half late and yet to embark on our 100 mile drive! Oh well...more speeding for us! I tried to pass Mike too....he was chugging up the 62 freeway when we started. Go speeding! But the rain and traffic slowed us down. The total count of cars overturned on the way to Joshua Tree? Three. Scary. Other things memorable on our drive: my cell phone's signal, Indian casinos, the abundance of motels on the way there trying to stop our journey, the boonies, the cashier at Rite Aid who we'll never see again, the old couple buying ice cream on a rainy day, the trails that went on forever, Kickapoo Trail, and the non-existant meeting at the Visitor Center. When we finally reach the campground, it was only natural that absent-minded Mikey forgets the poles to his tent. Sigh. Shoulda bet on that one! Boy, this tent setup is a story in itself! First, we set it up wrong. Poles needed to bent inward, not outward. Funny that as time progressed, more people came along to help. First, me, Van, Mikey, Bryan, and Akiko started (badly!), then along came Fuzz, Christina, Neeta, Ian, etc. Gotta love the Shire support! After much work (more than you can imagine), Vansy and I went to get out stuff from my car. Upon our return to put the stuff in the tent, sure enough, it fell. We cant even leave it alone for 1 minute! Golly! We set it up (AGAIN), this time, with rocks over the stakes. Success! After mission Tent Setup was complete, we ate some lunch and went on our first crack of hiking. McWilliams spoke of these waterfalls nearby, and of course, being honors students, we fell for it. We were in the freakin desert! Why would there be waterfalls! But alas, we did find water falling, about a foot off the ground. Turned out to be rain runoff from this morning. Eww. But we did find a gorgeous spot that shielded us from the heat, had a gentle breeze, and a place to lay and get away from it all. Ahhh. Everyone else's
energetic spirit led us to return back to the campsite. Ooh, speaking of spirit, Brian's fiery energy led him to cut his hand open. Ouch. We get back to the campsite, and the cold weather and gusty winds start to kick in. We chill in the tent for a while, and sure enough, it topples on top of us. Damn! And we thought the huge rocks would do it! We go get bigger rocks and more rocks to support the rocks that were already there, and on top of that, we bury the rocks under dirt. Whew! If that wasnt enough, the gusts had only just begun. The worse was still ta come. Because of the freezin cold, we didnt go out the rest of the night. Brr....some more tents topple and some evn start to sleep in the car. There was no hope for the Shire 2, the Shire's Tent, and he majority of them slept in their car too. Fuzz actually slept outside without a tent and just his sleeping bag! Good god. The night was terrible: conversations about the wang, Bryan's stories, Mikey's constant desire to use the restroom, and Mikey and Van's tag team snoring.
Day 2 wasnt that bad at all! Amazing enough our tent stood up the whole night! The morning had its share of memories: my one layer of clothing, Mikey's and Bryan's journey to civilization for the bathroom, pancakes, hot HOT cocoa, and the irresistable fruit and nut medley. We packed up for lunch and embarked on the Lost Horse Trail. Apparently, another trap to get us to go see nothing. But it was fun, bonding with Fuzz, Bryan, Christina, Akiko, Mikey, and Van. Blonde jokes, more Bryan stories, Akiko's German, and the two trails hitting each other. Aiy...we were in the middle of the desert, practically lost. We blamed Mikey because at the beginning, there were two trails, one going uphill and one through rocks, and he chose the low road. So, near the end of the low road, we were SO lost in the MIDDLE of the freakin DESERT. Soon enough, the trail became indistinct and we were trudging up hill to where? The other trail. Golly! Following Mikey (wrongly) to the exit, we found a beautiful peak to take a panoramic picture. End weekend!
* April 25 - Misty Mountain Photo Scavenger Hunt. For all those who dont know, Misty Mountain is the name of my dorm hall. One night, when Van needed the night to herself, I was just bummin around my hall, when my RA asked if I wanted to do the Photo Scavenger Hunt. I was like, sure. For those who dont know what a Photo Scavenger Hunt is, you basically take pictures next to famous things or doing weird stuff. I was on Team Cult, only cuz Dar said we were a cult. Anyway, it was me, Matt, Rae, Toddly, Allison and Nahid. We had NO idea what were in for. First on the list was a pic next to the upright geometric shapes. Very normal. Come on, we were newbies! Dont worry we get more risque as the game goes on. By the way, also in consideration, I forgot to say that the more scandalous your pic is and the more people there are, the more points you get. This plays a key role in our later pictures. Heh. Next, we need a pic in a classroom, and Matt, (yes, the bold one) goes into two classrooms with class in session. Whoops! We find an empty classroom in the Social Science Trailers and take a pic with desks on the table and "Go Misty!" on the whiteboard. Again, pretty tame. Next, we went over to the Humanties bridge and took a picture of pissing off the bridge. Well, actually, we got someone to take our pic from the side and Matt pretended to piss in my mouth. Come on, more points! Dont worry, isnt as bad as it sounds. In our first attempt to get more points, we went over to Zot Zone, and we needed a picture of people "playing" pool. So we got a guy and we took some sexual poses with the "balls" and "stick." Oh buddy! We were near the Student Center Lawn, so took another tame pic rolling down the hill. And this is were the timidity ends. Well, at least for Matt! Hehe. While we were on the lawn, we decided to run ALL the way to Peter the Anteater and take a picture with it. I took the picture, and lets just say the 'eater can get in many positions! Heh. We also saw a police car, but we couldnt snap a pic since there wasnt a cop there! Sigh. Since we were there, we decided to stop by Mesa Court and take some of our pics there. We needed a pic of an RA, so we "stalked" a group of girls (Matt's idea, honestly!) and they led us to their hall. We got extra points on this one...body pyramid, Mike the RA writing us up, a bunch of Ciudad residents clogging up the pic, and Matt's moon to top it off! Awesome. We wanted to look for palm trees, but we had no idea where they were. So we just wandered to the Cyber Cafe for another pic. We needed to take a pic acting like superheroes. Matt's idea this time was me and him with our shirts off carrying the waitresses on our shoulders. Oh boy, was my back taking it that night. With Allison's knee in my back and a big body on my shoulders, I dont know how I took it! After that was done, (finally) we went over to the golf cart for the Office of the Disabled and took a pic with all of us all over it. This is where Matt starts to take every picture naked. Memorable lines - Matt: Close eyes! Open eyes! Nahid: I cant take the picture! From there we went to the Science Library where we needed to take a picture in a study room We just "happened" to barge into a study room and asked to take a picture with them. Nothin big. After, we needed a picture in an elevator, so went past the library attendants and into elevator. Matt was gonna do his "thing" again, so I pressed level 7 so we we would have adeuqate time for him to undress and snap a pic. Matt was having trouble with his clothes and was starting to hesitate, so he said he needed more time and pressed the floor numbers 5 and 6. Not thinking, Matt forgot that by pressing those numbers we stopped at those floors with the doors opening. In other words, while the doors swung open and with people watching, we just stood around, with Matt nearly naked. Yes, we had to do this for two more floors. Yikes! We FINALLY took the pic and went back to the first floor, walking past the same library attendants who gave us dirty looks while Nahid was laughing like crazy. While we were on that side of campus, we stopped by Rowland Hall and took a picture with the Rowland head, and Nahid on her knees for him. Eww. Also while we there, we took a pic in the Infinity Fountain, which was way deep, with Matt again, naked. We walked through Aldrich park, taking pics at the garden, Cross Cultural Center, and with the Info Booth Attendant. Damn, I cant remember his name. We also took some random pics with guys pretending to take Allison's money at the ATM. From there, we were quite late, but we decided to finish with more points by picking up some boba at Cha while the others went to In N' Out. Turned out bad both ways: In N Out wouldnt let us snap a pic and Cha took forever to get our order. Oh well. We did see palm trees and let some visitor guy take a pic of us....though he did tilt the camera sideways and it looked REALLY weird. For the last shot, we went to this hidden rose garden in front of Social Ecology so Nahid could take the pic she wanted with a condom in her mouth. Nasty Nahid...thats her name! So, we may have been 30 mins late, but we didnt care. We were afraid they would catch us, so what we did was sneak in through the back and Matt and I sneaked through the second floor. Rae came up unassumingly saying she was gonna visit Matt, and also saying we've been here for a while. Oh well, didnt work. A fun night, overall!
* April 27 - Middle Earth Formal. The night definitely started out hectic. The formal started at 6, but dinner was served at 7. That's cool. I was dressed and ready by 5 and just chilling for a while till the girls got ready. Saw the Misty people get ready though, with Matt dressed in his "non-traditional" wear...a pimp suit. Sigh. For about a while, I didnt feel like letting Van pick me up, so I was just gonna walk all dressed up to AV from Misty. Luckily, Kevin and Jamie were there, and they offered me a ride. Saved a butt load of time. I get there, and Van looks especially pretty because she got her hair done. Turns out we still had to get batteries for her camera and meet back at Shire. Wow! I was just there! We were a tad late to meet Cristen, Kha, Levina, and Bernie, and we still took pictures. Sheesh! We finally left, with the time around 7 (yes, Asian time, though I'm not Asian!). We didnt worry that much, we still saw many people wanderin Middle Earth dressed up. Aiy Asian Time. We finally get there pretty fast, and the weather is damn cold. We get to the place, and we found out that its an outdoor courtyard...no warmth for us! When we get inside, we find a table and reserve it for us 6, ya know? Turns out, we musta been waitin there for 30 mins for the others. And people all thought we were loners and Misty wanted us to sit with them. Guess what? Turns out their car ran out of gas and they had to push the car and go to a station for gas. Geez. And we turned away so many people for them to sit with us. At least we were complete! We took pictures and ate for the time being, nothing spectacular happening. Food was good though, and Van had seconds! We finally hit the dance floor and jumped around between the Shire and Misty Mountain. What was annoying was the fact that there was barely any space, and I was claustrophobic. Yikes! Nothing much of note about dancing, cept we had a big Misty circle and danced, and seeing Ian dance to gangster rap made me chuckle. I got to give props to Sam and Kevin for making fools of themselves! But overall, a beautiful night to spend with my Vansy. At the end, we did still the bowl centerpiece, and Fuzz and Christina followed suit. Boy was their's hidden! They walked side by side with the bowl somewhere on their hips. Wow. Looking back, it was a very odd night, cuz it seemed to go by so quickly, that when we blinked, it was over. Odd indeed.
That's all for April...I promise I'll update for May!
Quote of the Day: "Just give it to me!" - Professor Szalay
March 30, 2001 - 9:15 am
Howdy! Missed a day cuz of work (ugh!) but I'm back to finish! I wonder if I should take down the part that says updated daily...
Wednesday was definitely another day I could not have predicted. I just planned on staying home, or if worse came to worse, I wouldve gone to work. But Van kindly urged me to come to her gathering of old high school friends. I complied, and I left at 1:45pm. Traffic was bad as usual (damn the 91!) and I got there on time, which is more than I can say for her guests. Heh. When I got there, we had to do our grocery shopping and went to Costco and Albertson's. Apparently, all this work mad us lazy, since we canned making dessert and burgers and instead buying lasagna and cake. Heh. We spent the rest of afternoon preparing and it turns out no one came on time. Why am I not surprised? Things of note: Betty and Michelle's rage, turning on the stereo, lost CD, sex magazines, Van's iced tea, Kacey's gangsta speak, and the cute headless tiger. After cake, I left early to be able to get up for work the next day (sigh).
Work sucked. Absolutely. The receiver quit, so I had to do ALL the receiving duties, which included the back-breaking, stress-inducing task of taking all these 50 pound boxes down from a shelf 10 ft up, and putting up 50 pound boxes in their place. Yikes! Talked to my old pals, and seems like they all have a story...John's feuding with his mom, Patrick and his relationship with a person just like him (yay!), Patrick and his mom's eye surgery, Lona and her nonexistent boyfriend, Cesar/Joseph leaving, and Lisette living in with her "friend." And not everyone was there! Wow! Spent lunch hour talking to Vansy and went back to work. The second half of work was much easier; I just had to stock Easter things. Do you have any idea how much grass is sold? It's sickening...the price people pay for shredded paper! Went home, and finally had one of those coversations that I've missed having. Went to bed at 1:00am!
Quote of the Day: Argh! Can't think of one! Hmm...
Ed: "Would you watch porn with me?"
Hehe. I got a new idea for the journal, future Edgar....tell ya tomorrow!
March 28, 2001 - 9:49 am
Yay! A consecutive update! Wow, who would've thunk it? If you havent noticed by now, check out my cool new banner! Made by yours truly!
Yesterday definitely turned out different than I thought it would be. I woke up early as usual to drop off Justin at school (7:30! Wow!) and returned too awake to fall back asleep. I had some breakfast, read the papers, and started on my big ass journal entry below. Of course, while all of this is going down, I had no idea what I was doing for the day. I know I had to pick someone up and play ball with Daniel and Brian. Joe woke me up WAY early to tell me to pick him up between 4-6pm. Sigh, another drive. I told him it was all dependent on when Lola's (my grandma) flight is arriving. And even that was confusing. Her flight was 102, but she said it was arriving around noon, but the one arriving around noon was flight 108. Thus, I had to call my aunt in the Philippines at 2:30 in the morn their time. I thought no one would be up, but of course, my good ol cuz Raf was up talking to his "girlprend." Aww, how sweet! Heh. My aunt didnt help much so I had to call the airlines; her flight arrived at 614pm. Now all I had to do was pick up Jason and Joseph, then play ball with Daniel and Brian. Easy? Hardly. Vansy comes by and surprise visits, and we have lunch together. She's so sweet! Sweet enough to make us both late for our plans: I had to pick up my bro and she had to go to work. It was worth the sacrifice! So I hurriedly picked up my bro from my old school and try to get out of there as fast as possible. But it's not that easy.
St. Anthony is one of the places in the world (maybe the only one) where I cant JUST walk through. You're talking memories here. This is the place I went to school a mere 5 years ago, and worked a little over a year ago. I cant leave without saying a hello to almost everybody: Giselle, Krystina, Lauren, Sergio, Jose, Michael, Ricky, Sister Francina, Mrs. Guzman, and the list goes on. FINALLY, picked up Jason and we were off to get Joe. Of course, Joe had to take his time, and Jason and I end up waiting for an hour and a half in my car. Sheesh! He finally arrived, and I picked up Brian and Daniel while I was on my way home. We intended to play ball, but we were a bit occupied by No Mercy. Things of note: the Gore, breaking bones, someone stupid, err, Edge. We played a little ball after that, and Brian lost after giving up 5 consecutive points. *cough* CHEATER *cough*. Sorry.
After, I had the spontatneous idea to go visit my Vansy after work, and I wanted to leave mega-early, in case she gets out early, and I wouldnt want her to leave before I get there. I get there around 8, and again, I had an hour to kill. I took a small nap till 8:40 and decided to wait outside by her car till 9. Bad idea. I was literally freezing, so I took a jog to where her class was. Finally, I met up with her after a bit of searching. It was so great to see her, especially, since she didnt know it was me initially. Heh. I missed my kiddo! Chilled for a while and returned home around midnight.
Quote of the Day (to my Vansy):
March 27, 2001 - 8:53 am
Oops. Got distracted and didnt get to finish. Boy, everyone got on my back! OK, OK, I'll finish what I started:
Friday 3/16 started off pretty hectic. Got pretty early to finish by paper, which was quite awesome by the way. Finished around 12ish, and barely made humanities class on time. Naturally, Professor Folkenflik got emotional and even brought us cookies! Sorry, baked goods wasnt enough to sway my judgment of her! I left her class, relieved cuz that would be my LAST class with Professor Folkenflik. Can I get a high-five? I remember walking back with JC, who was stressed out as usual. I stayed around till 3, and got Van. We ate lunch, and I let her go cuz she needed to study for her lab final. For some reason, I didnt plan on killing time, but I remember stopping by Mikey's and watching so weird Indian music video and "Happy Talk." Both are quality pieces. Afterwards, I packed my stuff and was about to leave, but Vansy called me to pick her up, go ALL THE WAY back to AV, pick up her calculator, and return her to final. Sheesh! I went straight home afterwards and I was exhausted. Exhausted enough to fall asleep. But I still woke up to pick up Julian and the ungodly hour of 12:50 am! Julz told me the long story where he missed his flight because of traffic, so he had to take the next flight over. Ed's Theorem applies! For those who don't know, Ed's Theorem: "Every trip MUST be an adventure!" Weird stuff at the airport: the guy decked out in XFL gear and the late arrival of Julian's luggage. Also, noticed a cockier, more arrogant Julz. Not so much stuck-up, but just more confident than when I last saw him. I picked him up and he was starving, so we went over to Jack In The Box (the long way....Ed's Theorem!) and picked up some grub. Oh yeah, I also had to get gas; btw, watch how many days I filled up my tank. We finished our food in the car on the way back and I dropped him off at home. Funny, on his way off, I told Julian I'd see him in 7 hours.
Saturday, St. Patty's Day was one of the longest days of my life. I woke up early to pick up Julz, get cake mix, and make the actual cake. We made it (with Mom's help!) and watched the Vince McMahon interview on Bob Costas. Interesting Quote by Vince: "Let me finish god damnit! Is this the Bob Costas Interrupting Show?!" Heh. Once the cake was finished a raced on over to pick up Van from work (sorry, Vansy!) and took her to her place to pack for the sleepover tonight. Yay! Thing of note: It was our anniversary, and I planned to decorate her door. Funny, I told Julz to distract her inside while I did the door, but Van oddly enough, wanted to keep the door propped open. Odd, did she know something? I ran and junked my decorations and returned huffing and puffing. Doh. When she was finally done, we had one more person to pick up: Kacey. For some reason, this part seems really memorable, when Van and I tried to get Julz nervous, as he was meeting his girlfriend for the first time for 2 months. Heh. After we picked her up we went over to KFC and picked up some grub. Thing of note: KFC won best restaurant in Morco! HA HA! Afterwards, we went to the park and had a picnic. Well, it seems like an opportune time to note here that my plans for today did not go as planned at all. I was partially late in picking up Julz, later in picking up Van, and even much more later picking up Kacey. What this means? No time to hit the beach because of traffic and cuz it was too late. Sigh. But the park was fun! We hiked all over the rocks and took MULTIPLE pictures, enough to exhaust the camera's film. It was a fun day, I cant really explain....we had a good time playing keepaway (team POG vs. team COD!), trying to frisbee, and disposing of everything, sheets and all. Everytime we go out, we do something spontaneous, so that day we decided bowling and Uno would suffice. We had to be at Cosmic Bowling at 9:15, so we killed the time driving, yet again, buying Uno at WalMart and picking up coffee at Starbucks. In between there, I filled up, AGAIN! Yeesh. Bowling was OK, highlighted by Julz' dancing and score of 69. I won, of course! Afterwards, we wanted to see a movie, so we went over to Blockbuster. None of us had a card or even obtain a card, so that didnt help. We went back to my place and had our sleepover. No details, but we barely slept, cuz we had to go to the church the next day.
Sunday 3/18 started off bad. Kacey jumped on me at 7 in the morn to wake me up and she scared the hell out of me! She left to wake up Van, and decided to get a lil more Zs, right? Kacey jumps me again, Julian does too (hurting my friend in the process), and Van joins in after. One word: Ow! It took us FOREVER to get ready, so we went to the 1130 service. Service was OK, not what I expected, a bit more fun, and whole lot longer. Bad idea: 2 hrs sleep, 2 and a half hr service equals massive tiredness. We went to the Santa Monica Beach after, trying to relax in the sun. Parking was a bitch and so was the drive over. Traffic, traffic, traffic. We stayed for about an hr and we decided that it was time to go. But not without getting our grub! We went to Burger King and ate at Julz' house with his mom. We said our goodbyes, and we knew it wouldnt be the last time we see each other. I dropped Kacey off at home and walked in with her. We stayed to converse, and ended up arguing for about an hour and a half. Although I was right, heh. We basically concluded that it wasnt safe for me to drive late at night by myself. Wow. We left her place and went back to UCI, with the surprise that Van's roommate wasnt in...yay! For those who don't know, picture a beast with thunderous thighs short shorts and no tan. Her roommate is worse than that! She's an OK person, but she is quite the slob. Anyway, I finally let my angel go and got home around 11. Did I fail to mention I had a final the next day? Too tired to study that night, so I just buried myself into the bed.
Monday 3/19, was the day of my math final. I drove over to school semi-late, but I got there on time. Studied for about half an hour (bad!) and got to work on my final. Things of note: it was tremendously scorching and I couldnt even think right. I did well enough to secure my A in the class. Heh. Afterwards, I went back to my dorm and ate lunch with Louie. BIG MISTAKE. Van jumped on my back, since I forgot our plans. I felt really bad, went over there as fast I could, and apologized. Stayed there a bit, then found out Chris and Yan were at UCI. We jetted over and reminisced our Loyola days with Steve, Yan, Chris, Louie, and Rafael. Ahhh, Loyola. Vansy and I went back to my place and said bye to Chris and Yan. I ate with Vansy and dropped her off at home. I started to study Physics and actually got a lot done. I went out to get JC some medicine and got some food also. I studied my ass off in Physics and I went to bed late.
Tuesday 3/20. Man, my test was at 8 in the morn, so I had to get up EARLY. Nick had to wake me up, and I had to wake up JB. The final was the biggest bitch anyone could imagine. OMG, it was that hard, and it wasnt cuz I was underprepared, it was because it was HARD. I left with a big ass monkey off my back and ready to relax. JC IM'd me to study with her, but I was busy, eating lunch with Vansy and taking her to work. Let's not forget Ed's theorem here, as I was dangerously low on gas and late for dropping off Van. So I dropped her off with my gauge clamoring for gas! Remember, third fillup! After dropping off Van, I took a shower, and FINALLY started studying for humanities with JC. I was introduced to the devil, I mean Snood, while I was over there. We went over study questions, and soon enough it was time to go. JC went with Michelle to Cha, while I went to pick up Van. I got Van, ate at Taco Bell, and accidently fell asleep at Van's place. I was dead tired! Sort of a mistake with all my stuff at JC's dorm. Sigh.
Wednesday 3/21. My test was at 1:30, so I had time to study what I didnt the night before. Went to breakfast with Van, JC, and Vanessa....you must have breakfast before a big test! Finally, went back to JC and Vanessa's place and finished studying. We all had a bad feeling about this test; the last test we were so overprepared and this one was just blah. I think I got a lot of work done, but not enough to ace the test. The test was a bitch, like the rest of them, and my essays sucked hardcore. Oh well, the end was bittersweet...my last class with Folkenflik! Whew! Got back, and found out JC was REALLY depressed after this test. I felt bad, cuz I told her the whole time it would be OK. Sigh. Afterwards, we were SUPPOSED to go swimming, but future Edgar, you know how your timing is with Van. I ended up just going to dinner and seeing JC and Michelle at Pippin. Turns out Michelle went to Mayfield and knows Bobbio, Camba, and Louie's friend Cathleen. Wow! I even guessed where she lived: Eagle Rock. Wow! Went back with Vansy, dropped her off at her place, and went back home. I could actually relax!
Thursday 3/22. Today, Louie came up with an idea to hang out together since itll probably be the last time we could with Julian leaving on Saturday. We would have loved to start early, but Louie and Chris were busy (as usual). We didnt even get there till 7. Julz and I took naps till we could leave. I also spent time cleaning out the dirty Corolla. Yes, a full vaccuum and car wash. What a job! Finally, I was ready and I was off to pick up Julz and go to Louie's, where Chris and Yan were. Everyone was sorta hungry, so we went over Panda Express, Baja Fresh, and Quizno's. Tres Tacos for $6, sheesh! BTW, on the ride over, we had an interesting talk about the bases...hehe, Louie and his four F's! Soon after, we went to Tower Records and killed time. Things of note: Louie and Aaron Carter, Yan's "art" book, Julian and the foreign CD collection. Finally, we left to go bowling. Damn, we had to wait till 11:00pm to get a discount. The lengths we go through to save 5 dollars! Heh. I spent the time talking to Van on the phone, who was stressing and venting. I told her to get a good night's sleep, but that would be too much to ask, right? We finally got to bowl, and there were many things to note. Yan's constant gutter balls, Louie's miraculous, and Julian's dancing and 69 (again). We decided to go to Denny's after, and here Ed's Theorem applied...We drove further west to go east! Thanks Louie! Anyway, Denny's provided the most memories, whether it was the incredibly SLOW service (for one coffee and one hot chocolate...not to mention to get the bill) or long conversation on gay people on television. Basically, we came to the conclusion that every TV show has one gay person, and went through every show: Simpsons, Jetsons, Winnie the Pooh, Martin, Fresh Prince, Three's Company, Married with Children, Flintstones, The Mole, Seinfeld, and Friends. I'm sure they're more, but I forgot. We said our goodbyes shortly thereafter, and I dropped Louie and Julian off at home. Called Van cuz I was sleeping on the freeway, and it turns out she was still awake, sigh.
Friday 3/23. Woke up sorta early and prepared for the big day today: the four us back together again. Kacey agreed to meet me with Julian at "Morco." Turns out they were late and I waited at Jack in the Box an hour and a half. Oh well, I got a good nap in! It was about 3:30 so went over to UCI to get Van. She completely forgot her meeting with CC (CalPirg Chick) and so we were off. While at UCI, I left Kacey and Julz at my place (hmm...), picked up Van to go to Princeton Review, dropped off bags for JC, found out I aced my Physics test, got Kacey and Julian back and then we were off. Of course, it wasnt that easy. We were gonna eat dinner with my family cuz it was Justin's birthday, but it turns out team COD went to eat beforehand and they didnt eat with us at King's Table at Del Amo. After eating, Julz and I finally met up with them, time being around 8pm. Can you believe that was the first time the four of us were actually together for the whole day? We cruised through the mall, and stopped at Brookstone to get our massage on. Of course, Kacey and Van left us, and Julz and I almost went through the whole mall looking for 'em. Sigh. As Julz says, "I love them! I really do!" When we finally found them, all the stores closed and we went back to my place. We never got around to playing that game of Uno, and we separated soon after. Julz and Kacey had an emotional goodbye, as they thought it would be the last time they would see each other. It would turn out that they would be wrong.
Saturday, 3/24. I started today with no idea what I was gonna do. I knew Joe had his DDR tournament, and I wanted to check that out, but I wanted to spend time with Julz too, since it would be his last day and I had to take him to the airport. Sitting around, I figured out something: I can pick up Julz, take him to Corona, drop him off with Kacey, and I can go to the DDR tournament with Van. I can't believe that plan actually went to completion. Picked up Julz, and it was the first of his goodbyes, this one to his mom. Took Julz to Corona, amidst the traffic that consumes the 10, 5, and 91 freeways. Sheesh! We finally got there, read some sex magazines (hehe) and parted ways. On the way to Arcade Infinity, btw, I hit the 80000 mile mark! Should I cheer? Oh well. We got there, passing through the beautiful scenery of Chino. This beauty contrasted the obscene that consumed the DDR tournament. Right when we got there, we saw some freaky with white contacts. Scary. Other weirdos of note: white guy dancing with a picture frame, black guy downing hard liquor (Jack Daniels) and dancing, Filipino guy removing a condom from himself after "Oh Nick Please Not So Quick," a large guy wearing a thong a burying himself in anotehr guy's breasts, and a seemingly conservative guy grooving and stripping. Yes, in an hour and a half! We didnt even get to see Joe or Brian perform! Damn. We drove back, filling up again of course, to meet Julz and Kacey at Mandarin Valley restaurant. We waited a while for them, almost consuming all of the free food. Things of note at dinner: our waiter was Stan the Man, Van feeding me like a child, me being the odd one out, soy sauce water and mustard tea, and team POG ending up without fortunes to go with our cookies. After, Julz completed another emotional goodbye, and we were off to the airport. We got there SO early, so we just parked at Denny's and had a long conversation. Midway, we noticed some rambunctious young teens, so we decided to disperse to Long's Drug Store to continue our conversation. New word to my vocab: ATC. Heh. Finally went back to airport, and to our surprise (not really), Chris and Louie did not show. Surprise, surprise. Julian left after much delay and completed his goodbyes. Sad, to see the crazy kid go. Went home, watched Joe's and Brian's performances on camera and closed with a late night conversation with Van. Cant remember at all what we talked about. Odd.
Sunday 3/25. Woke up pretty late, and missed the 930am and 11am masses. Watched some XFL and Golf and naturally fell asleep. Woke up around 5ish, went to mass, and returned. Justin got a PS2, and I had to go to Brian's house to pick up the Game Shark. Chatted with Brian for a while. Thing of note: nude lunges. Sickening. I dont know what we talked about here either. Funny, the more recent the event, the more I tend to forget. Sigh. Came back home, and Van called me. Yay! Another late night talk, and another memory blank. I remember near the end of our phonecall, she totally phased out on me, enough to the point where she couldnt even repeat what I said. Sigh...she told me she wasnt tired and she couldnt even repeat what I said! Sheesh. I gave her a break, she needed her rest. We got off the phone around 3am. =)
Monday 3/26. (Yesterday!) Today, I had planned on swimming and a movie, but of course, my plans are always screwed. Went over there around 1230pm, and finding out the ARC was closed. No swimming. We spend the afternoon talking, then playing basketball. We showered afterwards and I played with this cool new DJ program. Heh. We were late for the movie, so went to Palace Park to play some DDR, went to Del Taco for a snack, and went to Albertson's for some ice cream. Lucky: I went to Del Taco to get some spoons, and it just so happened Vansy left her purse there. Whew! Close call! We went back to my place and watched some Blind Date and the Simpsons. SO many funny things in the Simpsons I can't even start. Van was falling asleep on my bed, so we decided it was time to go. Went back to her place to get my things, chilled for a while, and we parted ways. It was a beautiful day, in retrospect. I finished the night falling asleep watching wrestling. Thing of note: the WWF owns WCW! Wrestlemania in only 6 days! Yea!
I finally finished. The note I want to end on is that in looking back, you start to realize that you do a lot of things. I cant believe how long it took to me to finish this entry; It was much longer than I thought. Just for those of you out there reading this, just realize that in life, you actually do a LOT of things. Pretty vague, but works for me! Now, to the long awaited quotes:
"This is true."
"Elvis Schmeidakamp is here for you."
"Best Restaurant 2000...KFC, Morco, CA"
"Ohh Buddy!"
"Snatch...pubic hair"
"Open the dump, here comes the waste!"
"Kobe...sucks...but." "Thats right, Kobe sucks butt!"
"I'm gonna shoot your load"
"of film."
"I will be the G in your G-string!"
"I dont see whats so special about this bed." "Dont say that out loud!"
"Is it like kissing Pepcid AC?"
"Ooh! Little girls! Wait...That's not how it sounded."
March 22, 2001 - 10:27 am
Finally, the anticipated update! I owe an apology to you guys and you too, future Edgar. Well, I was terribly busy these past 7 days. I'm just glad I can breathe a sigh of relief now! Whew! I've missed so many days, I might as well start at the top:
Thursday 3/15 seems like a blur to me. I really cant remember what I did. I remember missing Physics, which was really bad cuz it was the last class of the quarter. Whoops. I made it to the math discussion, and called Louie right after to go to lunch. I woke him (sorry Louie!) up, and we ate lunch. After this, I'm drawing a blank. I think I attempted to do my essay, but I ultimately didnt. Oh yeah! Van had intern class and waited outside for her for a while, and went back to her place. I remember she had to shower cuz she hadnt showered the whole day. Yeesh! After that, I dont know what happened, but I know afterward we ate dinner with a large pack. It was weird cuz I just called Louie and told him if he wanted to eat now with Van and I, and he said sure. Soon after, we were waiting for him, who invited his friends, who invited their friends. We spanned a whole table. Nothin really of note, cept for Rafael's work of art, consisting of a banana and ranch dressing. Then, they all busted out in laughter over how to eat a grapefruit. Hmm, Louie took his time and savored every second, Tim nearly destroyed it, and Janice used utensils. Different strokes for different folks! After that, went back to Van's place and slept the night away...
March 15, 2001 - 5:11 pm
Another skipped day! Geez Louise....
Yesterday was such a beautiful day! First thing, I found out that there was no Physics quiz. Sigh of relief. Also, discovered an email from Brian! Havent heard from him in ages. Nice to know he still exists. Love hearin from him!
Math was OK, cept Professor Ku was being weird again. Thing of note: He ran to class and arrived late. He taught the first quarter of class huffing and puffing. Sheesh!
Had my last humanities lecture of the quarter. No big deal.
Humanities discussion was VERY cool as we got to see the real life "Gallimard" and "Song." For those who havent read M Butterfly, Gallimard is sick French spy who's looking for love in China. He comes upon a beautiful girl, or so he thinks. It's actually a guy, a spy for the Chinese. And they had a full blown relationship, without him knowing she was he! She even got pregnant and had a son. (In the story, Gallimard thinks doing someone anally constitutes pregnancy. sigh...) Anyway, the real life people were hideous and I cant believe they actually did it. I CANT BELIEVE HE THOUGHT THE GUY WAS A SHE! -shudder- Very interesting, as Barbara Walters did the interview,
Had lunch with JC. Had talk about her not having any good qualities. I agreed. Just kidding! Not much of note.
Thus begins the beautiful day. Was gonna play ball with my friend Louie, but you know how he always makes excuses at the like. Just kidding, Louie! Van came up with the spontaneous idea of going to the beach, and of course, timing was off. We asked so many people to come with, only to get rejected. Louie gave us a no go, because he needed alone time with himself. Go figure. Charles rejected us too, since he had to "study." Cant blame him, it was very impromptu! We FINALLY got there, and guess what, the sun already set. Our timing couldnt get any worse. Sigh. We walked and talked a bit, which we havent done for a while. It seems like we both have two identities, friends and lovers, and we havent seen the latter in a long time. Another spontaneous thought later, we were in El Torito munching on popcorn shrimp and fried ice cream. That place was terrible! No root beer, the daquiri was a virgin, and the waiter was slow! As Van would say, aiy. Of course these treks couldnt be simple, as I said in a previous entry. Every road trip has to be in adventure....I guess its a rule. We went all around Fashion Island, and by all around, I mean ALL around. Sheesh! And we got lost on the way back, so lost, we ended up on an island, Balboa Island. Go figure. We got back and I tucked my lil angel into bed =)
Came back, and intended to do my essay, but you know me, I dont do things without pressure! Wanted to show Louie something, so I went over there. Van branded me on my hand: "Van's property! Keep AWAY!" Louie had to show me something to, but it was a farcry from a branding. No no, it was booby boxing. Hehe...
Came back (again), and talked to my neighbors Mishi and Kristen. They never leave me alone. Just kidding. Pretty cool people, and they noticed my branding. I remembered talking to them, and I cant remember what we were talking about! I'll think about it. I remember I yelled Kristen's digits outside the window, however. She deserved it, she wouldnt stop coughing. Just kidding, again! Enough killing time, I wanted to start my essay, but a virus attacked my comp. Sigh....I spent two hrs fixing the stupid machine that wouldnt let me open anything. I had to fix the god damn thing manually! Too late to start essay; went to bed.
I feel great right now, and I guess I'm climbing back up the mountain. Everybody around me keeps trying to drag me down, but I feel so much better catching up with everyone. Brian finally wrote to me, Joe finally said SOMETHING about his life, finally spent time with Louie, talked to Yan, Chris, and Julius, and even the old Jessica. But theres so many things trying to take me off my high: my impending essay, finals, and EVERYONE is sick. Message of the day: Keep your head up! If you keep your head down, you just get neck pain. =)
March 13, 2001 - 10:10 pm
Another skipped day...this is getting bad! Oh well, I'll make up for it today, future Edgar by talking about two days. I also have to apologize about yesterday's entry because I was too distraught to finish. Since I'm still choked up on things, I'll just talk events today.
Monday, March 12, was an interesting day, to say the least. I only had three and a half hrs of sleep cuz I was up talking to Van. I didnt start my rough draft till the morning, around 9am. Pretty bad. I never had the motivation to actually finish a rough draft. I went to math but I had to skip humanities lecture to finish the paper. Humanities class was weird cuz of my kooky ol teacher. The funny thing of the day was during class, when Professor Folkenflik had to pick someone to play Song in the play we're reading. Nathan, as his usual self, tells her that he heard Vanessa say that she wants to do it, but she obviously didnt. Nathan piled it on, saying he heard her say it was her life dream. Folkenflik, weird as she is, believed him and kept insisting Vanessa play the part, but Vanessa was too shy to act in front of the class. Folkenflik said she knows Vanessa is a dancer so she go up and do it. She went so far as to say that she saw her raise her hand! Weird! Vanessa retorts by saying that JC is a much better dancer than she is. Naturally, Folkenflik moves over to JC and says, come on Jessica, you're a better dancer, go up and act! Eventually, Nathan finally just did the part, but after much laughter. I wonder if our teacher really is that slow. Weird.
Afterwards, walking back with JC, she seemed really tense and stressed out. She was talking on the phone with someone, and she was cursing like mad and people were starting to stare. I found out later that she was stressing out cuz of finals coming up, she was missing class, and she had to practice like mad for the hip-hop dance club tryouts later that night. I guess JC finally blew up and just lashed out. I called her later and it turns out she wasnt OK. I had to sit and listen to outlet her emotions and release steam. I dunno, I didnt mind, I just wonder how much I can take with people taking stuff out on me. I understand why they would, because I'm not judgemental and I can take it, but still. Then, I picked up medicine and teddy bear lollipops for Van, who I picked up from class afterwards. From there we went over to Cha, since she was CRAVING it, Brandywine to eat, and back to my dorm to talk. Time was running, so I had to go back and drop her off at class and burn an hr till my hall dinner started. I got Van water for her medicine and came late to the hall dinner. No biggie, and nothing of note there, cept I got to meet new people =)
I came back from dinner and remembered that JC's tryouts were at the Student Center Parking Structure, and thats were Van's car was too. So while we were over there, we decided to check them out. BTW, Van got elected chair of CalPIRG. Should I cheer? Anyway, Poor JC was nervous! I dont know...sometimes I worry about her, and I guess she makes it so easy to. Before she was up to tryout, she got teary eyed. But in fact, she was impressively good on the dance floor! But I felt so bad for Vanessa...she missed a step. She's really good and was very prepared, but I guessed she messed up cuz of nervousness. It was so hard to talk to her afterwards! What was I supposed to say? Nice try? You did well? I just said she looked nervous and she got on my back for that. Van then dropped me off, I did HW, and came over to Van's house and sleptover.
Today started off bad. I needed to go to Physics lecture, but I was tired to even show up. On top of that, I had to study for the math quiz. Bad. I aced the quiz tho (as usual) and I finished early. Yay! This is when the killing time process began. Right when I got back, Van called me to go out to lunch, and we went to Taco Bell. We went back and I dropped her off at class. I definitely had time to kill since she had work today, so today was very spontaneous. I got from Taco Bell, contemplating a nap, but I knew I couldnt do it. Talked to Louie, and we were gonna play ball today. Cool. BTW, it was SUCH a beautiful day outside I just couldnt take a nap. It would be like a mortal sin!
So I still had time to kill till 4:15, which was when we were going to play ball. JC wanted me to accompany her to her execution, I mean her conference with Folkenflik, so I agreed. We had a nice long talk, which entailed her being a terrible person. Long story short, she's a heart torn between two people. After conference, we walked and talked to Cha and back to our dorms. Pretty interesting conversation...JC always comes up with problems and situations that have no simple answers. I guess that would be asking too much! Heh. Now it was about 4, and I had to wait for Louie to get out of conference so we can play. I decided to stop by my neighbors Mishi and Kristen to talk for a while. It ended up being over 2 hours since Louie was stuck in conference! Another interesting conversation. Seems like everytime I talk to Mishi I keep bringing up bad memories. Whoops. I didnt mean it! Binu stopped by and she's pretty cool too. We locked in an interesting conversation about pet peeves and what you dont like about other people. Sorta tough, talking about what you hate about people you love. Oh well. Couldnt say much cuz I barely knew them and they barely knew me! But I guess I finally realized I laugh and smile too much...thanks Binu! Sigh...sorry for bringing happiness into the world!
Louie FINALLY got out and we went to eat. Louie, Raf, and I reminsiced about Kairos memories, and it seems that I naturally bring back bad memories. Persons of note: Fernando and Ryan Grady. ~shudder~. Couldnt stop laughing tho! We went back to Louie's around 730ish-8ish and it turns out we also a long conversation. Wow, 3 long conversations in one day and I still havent talked to Van yet! Doh. Louie talked mainly about his "problems," which dont seem to be problems at all. Heh. Basically, in short, not enough Louie to go around. Honestly! We suddenly got an urge to talk to Chris, and sure enough we did. Pretty impromptu, nice to know what he's up to. Gotten pretty distant from him, but if we're in different schools and he doesnt use AIM, I guess, how else can we keep in touch. Chalk down 4 long conversations! Louie's hallmate Charlene came by too talking about scheduling and housing next year. Not a long conversation, so I wont count it. Louie was losing it with his phone getting messed up, so I felt bad. We went over to the housing office to fill out a work order and I went back to my dorm, to start the entry that speak of. Partway through this writing, Van came by and we talked about our "problem" again. Something's pretty wrong with me cuz I couldnt let it go. But alas, I thinking this time really did it and I'm very much over it. I relunctantly let her drive hom cuz she was tired and sick. Sigh, if anything bad happens to her, I dont know what I'd do to myself. A bad decision on my part. But the day has come to a close, so I'll talk to you later future Edgar!
No thoughts, but 2 more nicknames to add to my collection. I totally forgot Louie's and Randy's name for me: Rdgar Suhongo. Dont ask me where Suhongo came from, but Rdgar came from a typo. On the registration list for the National Spanish Exam, they spelled my name Rdgar instead of Edgar. Second, Mishi's new name for me is Puma. I dont think it will stick, but I guess if you've seen me, you'd know why she calls me that. I'm practically decked out it Puma everyday. Hey, its a good discount! Make it 17 nicknames attributed to yours truly. Yay!
"Let's make a pact. If they make us get naked, we're leaving."
March 11, 2001 - 3:46 pm
Guess what? I was right, the bad feeelings did go away. Only a matter of time till they come back, eh? But really did it was getting out and doing something to get my mind off things. Last night I went to the Arroyo Vista Semi-Formal with Van. Everything worked out as usual, despite a rocky start. I arrived sorta late, but I really didnt know what time we were going to meet at UCI. Van told me that she said we were supposed to meet at 6. I honestly dont remember that! Whoops! Well, nothing like good ol speeding on the freeway to make up for lost time. Not to mention I had to pick the white roses. Yes, I know, it's cute, but come on now, if you're a real man, you'd get your girl flowers too. I hope she appreciated them, even tho I was "late." But you thought I was late? I got to UCI at 7ish with Van and Levina not dressed yet. Sheesh! The dance started at 7 and the girls weren't even dressed yet. Eh, figures. I've known Van long enough to know this was gonna happen. So then we finally got to the Balboa Pavilion, which was cozy lil place on "Main" Street. Very nice, as it had that small town feeling and even a window overlooking the water. I couldn't have asked for a better time at the dance and I had a great time. I wonder if Van did. But don't say I didnt try to make sure she had a good time. Including the 16 roses, I brought the "clean" 2000 Camry, dressed nice, made a fool of myself on the dance floor and dirtied my nice polished shoes to take a stroll on the beach. It's all part of this "new" relationship. I have to make the extra effort to show she's appreciated and tell her what's on my mind first. It's not that I didn't make the effort before, but I guess I have to turn it up a notch. No problem! After the dance and the beach walk, we went back to AV and home. Couldnt have scripted it better...
As I said yesterday, I'm slowing coming down my "high," since I'm not allowed to stay at the top. Lately, I've been pretty concerned about cousin Claire. I'll just something bad happened, cuz I dont know if she wants me to just tell everyone. But future Edgar, you will know what I'm talking about! I just can't imagine it happened to her, my lil cuz. Of course, everyone grows up, and she's not gonna be my lil cousin all the time, but I just hate to admit she's growing up. She was a very cute little kid, and just the way she went about life made me laugh. Very idealistic and beaming. I'd hate to see that side of her die.
March 10, 2001 - 2:49 pm
So I skipped a day. Whoops. Actually, I started my entry yesterday, but it wouldnt save and I just gave up. Today I want to just record what I've done events-wise because I want to save my feelings for tomorrow. They are pretty heavy, but I don't want to start now. I'd rather let it pass and I would get over it. As a teaser, I just wanna say I'm slowing coming down from my mountain-top high I mentioned two days ago (yes, already, like I predicted)...
Wanted to write an update to the nicknames I wrote down on my page before. Two I actually forgot, and one new one. One of the old ones was Edgie (pronounced Ed'gey), a name given to me by Jamie. She wanted to have a nickname for me on her own, and she also wanted one that would embarass me. Thus, Edgie was born. Second, I forgot Jacob's name for me, Schmedgar. Dont really know the origin, but it actually spawned new, but less popular names such as Schmed. The new one is Pokey, a name Van gave me. It refers more to the action of poking than the horse from Gumby =)
One of the things I want to note down is what happened on Smackdown! on Thursday 3/8. Vince had the audacity to deep-throat Trish Stratus in front of his real-life wife Linda McMahon. That was very harsh and tasteless. It didnt develop any storylines, but it just boosted McMahon's ego. Sickening. Hard to believe that just a year ago I wrote that he was my hero.
The rest of the night I spent at Van's house. It took a while to get there because I was supposed to wake up my roommate JB before I left. But he was SO dead tired. When Khalid was over, he was falling asleep sitting up! He laid on his bed and told me to wake him up 8:45pm. I sat him up, and again, he started to fall asleep sitting up. He almost fell over! Sometimes I worry about him, but sometimes I don't. Great I'm getting Van's disease and contradicting myself all over =)
I spent the night at Van's as I too was dead tired. I planned to leave (honestly!) but my body felt like sleeping. In fact, I woke up, to find out it was 2am and Van was still up! Oops! Well, I really couldn't complain...I love sleeping with Van. We'll have to work on that snoring though. She woke herself up with her snoring! That's loud! But I digress...
Friday, 3/9, was pretty uneventful. Van and I got in a pretty deep conversation about relationships. Granted, when you are in a relationship you feel it will last a long time, but when do you act on these feelings and take the next step? I agree, the couple has to stand the test of time, but who's to determine how long that time is? Won't your feelings be the same after a month? 6 months? a year? When do you take the next step? Do you trust your feelings? Difficult questions I hope I dont have to answer. Classes were OK, as math finished up and humanities was as weird as any other day. One thing of note: when Butterfly completely misread Pinkerton's letter of rejection, Mrs. Folkenflik, with her excellent analysis, said that it "wasn't a good example of a close reading." Glad she was there to point out the obvious! Afterwards, had lunch with JC and took a nap. I totally forgot that I ate lunch before and I was SO full. Okay, okay, you can call me a beast. But just this one day! I awoke from my nap with Van gone and the phone going off. Of course, it was Mike. Great timing, Mike! Anyway, I ate dinner with him and afterwards, he was supposed to drive me to my car cuz I parked in a faraway lot. Naturally, Mike forgot where he parked his car and we ended up walking THE LONG WAY to my car. Geez Louise! Mike could be absent-minded and slow, but he's a very cool guy. Did a bit of reminsicing, and I still miss the old days. I wish I could visit my old happy self =)
Finally met with Van and got ready to drop her off at home. But who said such a task would be simple? It naturally had to be an adventure. Out of gas, and driving through the streets of Santa Ana looking for a freaking Chevron. Other gas stations I encountered? Thrifty, Ultramar, and Fuelcards. Yes, quite a selection, but I finally found the Chevron 10 miles later. And it wouldnt be an adventure if that was all, right? No, I had to drive in the rain for about an hour and a half in 20 mph traffic. But what made it fun was a nice long talk with Van, which I havent had with her in a long time. If there was something that I really miss about Van, it's our long conversations. I recall a time when we could talk for hours about nothing, but those days are gone, since she's been busy. Granted, we are pretty much always together, but one or the other is usually tired or has something to do. I'd hate to imagine being with Van with nothing on her mind, cuz I think we could talk forever, or, at least I would. But I take what I can get (thanks Homer!) and that's enough for me. Just reminiscing, thats all! I finally got her home and I got myself home. I stretched my non-nodding-off-while-driving streak to three! Yay! Tried to talk to Van on the phone again, but she was tired. She needed her rest, and I could tell. We talked up till midnight, but it was OK this time around, since I really didnt have anything to say. Thats all for the events, be back with the "juicy, yet bad thoughts" tomorrow. Smell ya later!
Quote of the Day:
Do you realize?
Aaliyah - I Don't Wanna
March 8, 2001 - 12:58 pm
I have to start off this entry with a statement to Louie. I may have threatened his reputation, making it seem that he was a heartbreaker and didn't tell people he wasnt interested. To people out there reading this, Louie is one of the few people I can rely and depend on and I owe a lot to him. Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Not that much stuff happened between the last time I wrote and now. I stayed here in my room and talked to Van a bit. Talked to her about stuff that I'll mention later. She slept over, as JB, my roommate, took a spontaneous trip to San Diego. Amazingly enough, he still hasnt returned! It's now 2:30 in the afternoon! Sheesh. He hasnt gone to class all week. His reasoning: I'm behind, why start now? Heh. Woke up pretty early at 8:30 and headed to class. What a waste of energy. Went to math discussion, which was useless, and I didnt go to Physics lab cuz I didnt have to. I have a free afternoon! Went to lunch with Louie. Whew! Raf wasnt there. Just kidding, Raf! Nothing much of note there, cept Louie has got another admirer. I wont say anything, or I'll ruin his "reputation." Got back and now starting to write this. During this writing, I went to Target with JC and Christina. We spent almost an hour and a half in there! JC had to look for a card for her boyfriend Eli and we nearly went through all the cards! I dont even think we got the perfect one =) Anyway, I've returned in full force and ready to start my new idea...
Recently, I've felt very blessed. Right now, everything is going perfect, or at least near perfect in my life. I have a gorgeous girlfriend, I'm in college (and excelling), no friends of mine are in any crises, my family is supporting myself, and weather outside is absoultely fantastic. Naturally, I only think about one thing: there's only one way to go, and thats downhill. That's the danger of being at the top, you know you're going to come down. Never really felt that way till now. I trying very hard to keep up where I am in life, or at the least, cherishing everything. I've done, or at least tried, work to make sure the above stays in place. In reverse order, I've talked to family more, and thats in part to more phonecalls and staying home on the weekends. Friends-wise, I'm actually talking more. I went around my dorm and starting talking more, putting myself out there before we have to leave. Oddly enough, I've spent more time with them with Van busy. I'm working very hard to ace my classes, even if it means staying up late or getting up early. I'm close to actually finishing a book in Humanities! Lastly, my girlfriend Van. I love her so much recently, that I've been to scared to smother her. I talked to her phone Saturday night, and she was tired, and I was insisting. Monday, she was very busy, I wasnt gonna see her till late in the day. I went over to the Irvine Spectrum REAL fast, and got her a chocolate strawberry. Anything to make her day! Tuesday, she had work, so as a cheap way to see her, I dropped her off and picked her up, and even bought her Chinese food! It was quite a hit to the wallet, but eh, I dont care. Yesterday, I wasnt able to do much, cuz she was busy pretty much. But I wonder if she notices these things. Lately, I've been in a place where I didnt want to be a month ago. I feel so dependent on her, like I have to see her everyday, but I dont think thats what she wants. I try to do a little every day, to make sure she knows I care. The only big thing I've done for her was Disneyland. I hope she liked Disneyland, as it was quite an idea by JC and I to bring our significant others to a beautiful place on a school day. Lately, I feel like she's getting tired of me, whether or not its the truth. If she's not busy, she's tired, and if she's not tired, she's out somewhere else. Heck, she's going out tonight with someone, but I dont mind, well, I mind, but not enough to prevent her from going. I just miss that silly kid. I know you're reading this hon, I love you!
Quote of the day: "Empty your mind of thoughts." March 7, 2001 - 3:46 pm Another day, another day.... Yesterday was quite a hectic day as opposed to usual. I slept over at my girlfriend's and didn't actually sleep until 5:00-5:30am. I planned to get up around 8:00 to study for my math quiz and so I set my alarm. I actually woke up after 9am and my quiz was at 10. Whoops. Turns out Van shut my alarm off before I even got to hear it! Eh, no biggie. I aced math as usual. Yawn. Even though it was my only class of the day, it did't mean I wasn't busy. Right when I got back, I went to lunch with Louie, Rafael, Janice, and Erica. Nothing of note during lunch, cept for Louie's grapefruits. But thats a long story! Got back around 12 and started to read Second Class Citizen. Fell asleep reading (naturally) around 1pm. I was exhausted. Of course, no rest for the weary. Van's calls up around 2 to pick her wallet. It ended up me dropping her off at work. Thing is, I wasn't going to originally, but since I watched (at least partially!) the BORING opera the night before, I didnt have to watch it last night. So I took Van and my sleepy self to El Toro High School, where Van was teaching juniors the SAT. What a dream job...I'd love to teach, if money was not a factor. But it is, and I am studying to become a computer engineer. You may oooh and aaah here! Its not that bad; I'll live. Anyway, I came back around 3:30pm, and thats where the slacking off began. Talked to Andrew for a while about the bastard Gary Sheffield. For those who don't know, he is a sniveling loser, who thinks 10 mil a year is not enough, and a 3 year contract is too short. Not to mention he wants a trade now, refusing to honor the contract he signed! He frustrates me. Afterwards, went to dinner with J.C., a beast =) We went over to Pippin, and all I had was a little ravioli, and of course, she got mad at me for not eating enough. Hey! Sorry! Oddly enough, I saw Rafael (again). I honestly see him EVERY time I go to eat. Monday night, I went to dinner with Van, JC, and Vanessa, and when we went to bus our tray, he was there barking at me. Granted. Then Van says, dont you notice we Rafael a lot when we go to eat? I was like, "Yeah! You're right!" So last night with JC, and was sitting there, and who do I see out of the corner of my eye? Blue sweater, Morehead hat? Yes, Rafael. Again. Sheesh!
It was then 6 o' clock and I had to time to kill since Van didnt get off work till 9. I talked to Kacey online for a few and I realized that Van would be working 6 hrs straight, so I figured, she would be hungry and I should get her food. Kacey suggest Chinese food, and this was the start of my waste of time. I didnt know any Chinese food places in Irvine, so I asked JC, and she told me to go to some restaurnat off Jeffrey. I found a place, but now I needed a phone number to dial. Funny, I was talking to Nahid about Andrew. He is sooooo hung up on this one girl, but that's all I'm at liberty to say. Doh. But I have the power of blackmail! Anyway, as I was talking to Nahid, I asked her if she had a phone directory to call the restaurant, and fortunately, she did! JC didn't know the name of the place, so she recommended another called Sam Woo. I checked the directory and copied the number. Chilled with Nahid for a bit and had a nice conversation. She got a phone call, so it was convenient for me to leave. I came back to my room, and I was still to lazy to start on my Physics HW. I saw that my next door neighbors Mishi and Kristen were in, so I stopped by and chilled and had another long conversation. Somehow we got on the topic of heartbreaking, as I told her that my friend turned down some girl who asked him to the Middle Earth formal. He's in the same class as Mishi, so I guess it just came up. Turns out she's broken a heart too, but its much harsher than Louie, as he never tells girls that he's not interested when he isnt. ANYWAY, the story was, Mishi told her admirer that she didnt like going to dances, and he saw her at almost all the dances. Whoops. Harsh. Talked a bit more, but then it was already 8 and it was time to order. Turns out the number didnt work, so I went to borrow their directory. Matt stopped by, and I really didnt know him. Interested to me him though; saw him at Mass last week. He wore a Cathedral High jacket and it was a school near Loyola. He actually knew people I knew, so there's our connection. Went back to phone the order, and it'd be ready soon. I timed it so I would leave at 8:30, pick it up at 8:45, and get to Van at 9. Timing was perfect, and we ate the food at Arroyo Vista. While eating, I read about the Santana High tragedy. Turns out a 15 year old boy opened fire in a main plaza at a high school. It's really sad. Keep the victims and their families in your prayers.
Feel like talking about today too. Woke up at 7 to do my Physics; I ended up not doing it last night. Went to bed around 12, so I got enough hours. I did my Physics HW, 4 Year Plan, and my ideas draft from 7-10 and had class from 10-2. 7 straight hours of work! Yeesh! I ate lunch with JC, and OF COURSE, Rafael was there. I'll get rid of him. Appointment with a counselor and started typing this journal. Till tomorrow!
Thought for the day? Don't have one today. But I'm gonna do something new actually. It'll be like: Feelings for the Day. I'll start tomorrow...and that's how I feel!
Quote of the Day: "If you have OO, you will be asked to pose and/or leave the bra." March 6, 2001 - 5:16 pm I've tinkered once again. Instead writing on the day about the day, it would make more sense if I wrote the day after and wrote. Besides, I was tired yesterday! How was my day yesterday? For one, it was my one of my best friends' birthday, and I will refrain from mentioning anything about it till he gets his packages. No offense, Julz! Otherwise it was great, for a Monday. I had class 10-2pm yesterday, so that occupied my time. Anything of note in class? Um, I got a B+ on my Humanities essay. Yay! Quite an improvement over a B-! I'll never get over this kooky teacher....I swear, if you guys ever hear the name Folkenflik, run while you still can. Heh. Afterwards, I came back to my dorm, killing time since Van's too busy now. I swear, when did someone's girlfriend ever abandon his boyfriend for something she hates? J/K. She has to do something called pledging, and it entails the oh so wonderful job of soliciting poor college students for money. My turn is up on Thursday. Ugh. It something we haveta do cuz our environmental group is not funded by the school, so we depend on students. Anyway, while she was out, I went to the Irvine Spectrum to pick her up a chocolate strawberry. I kept her up Saturday night, and I felt bad. It was the least I could do! Afterwards, we went to a retreat meeting. We're going to Joshua Tree! It'll be perfect...nature, no homework hangin over our heads, and FINALLY some time alone with Van with her not being busy, tired, or out with someone else. Boy, I miss her. We spent the night watching Wild Things, and no, it wasn't a porno. You guys have sick minds! Coincidentally, every time a sexual scene came up, Van's phone rang, as if it was on cue. Lemme see, in one sitting, her dad, mom, Jessica, Mehul, and Kacey (twice) called! Good God! The rest of the night? I saw the worst movie ever. It was the opera Madama Butterfly. Ugh. Saying it makes me sleepy. Whoever reads this, remind me not to watch opera after midnight. I didnt even see Act 2! At least I wasnt snoring like J.C.! =) There was literally 11 mins and 13 secs of motionless film. And we had the magic of fast forward! Sheesh! I closed the night spending it at Van's place. Nuff said. Though for the day? Um, really short today, but I saw it in Boy Meets World. Yes, that wise sitcom. Everyone is bound to change, dont think it wont be you that goes to parties, drinks, smokes, or has sex. It can be you, or at least you can put in that situation. Resist or use common sense! Quote of the Day: The BEST pussy I've seen! - Louie, referring to this pic March 4, 2001 - 10:46 pm Not much goin on today....another sleepy Sunday. I went to bed late last night, around 4 am. Spent the time talking to myself, it was pretty pathetic. To make matters worse I had mass in the morning...formula for disaster. I spent the afternoon watching XFL football (probably the only one) and The Kid with Bruce Willis. Both were quite entertaing, but not enough to keep me from slumber. Hey! I needed it! Anyway, quite an uneventful day. I saw both Simpsons, the first being the one were Sideshow Bob steals the warhead and hides in the Duff Blimp. Funny part of the show: Homer tells Bart to jump into the car from the plane. First he throws down his backpack and it erupts and burst into flames. Homer replies, "Your turn, boy!" The second episode was a new one, and it was where Homer went on a hunger strike to prove to Springfield that the Isotopes were moving to Albequerque. Can't really remember anything REALLY funny....oh well. Talked to Patrick at Savon today, havent seen him a while. Funny, he's really hit it off with his girlfriend, and both are around 50 years old. It's weird how we've become good friends, since he has a about 2 kids, one daughter being 29 years old. I'm only 18! Patrick's in debt to me....I lent him money for their first date and they've got it on ever since. Mark that down as two relationships I had a part in forming. You hear that Julian and Kacey! Anyway, I'm capping off the night with the oh so fun HW. My thoughts for the day? I've had multiple running through my head, but I feel silly today, so I decided to reflect on how many nicknames I've had. Everywher I go, or person I meet, I get a new name. I guess it reflects in part in how much I mean or how I'm looked upon. Here's the long list:
Jay Gar Min Gar Ed E-Man/E-Mail G-Funk Salamander Eddie Edgo Jr. Pinchable Lindo Quotes of the day: "This is a family park. PLEASE keep your hands to yourself!" March 3, 2001 - 1:13 pm Hey! Wanted to start early today, cuz I'll probably too tired to start tonight. I think I'll do something new. I wanted to keep this as just a record of what I did, in case I forget one day. But now, I also want to include one thought of the day and a random quote of the day.
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Van: "I was GONNA SAY THAT!"
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Julz' new line, said early and often at the airport
Annoying billboard found almost everywhere around SoCal
Plaque at KFC Drive-Thru Window
Julz' newer line, often a response to traffic or his girl
My line, which has worn out its welcome =(
Van's response in a game of Wordball
Van's line in an attempt to make me open my mouth
Julian's reponse to our lil "sentence" game
Julian, to Chris
Julian, said after the previous quote =)
WWF's Taka Michinoku to Lita
Julz and I, referring to the Therapeutic Bed at Brookstone
Joe's comprehension of Julian's view of girls
My misinterpreted statement at Palace Park
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- Rafael Raudry, on Kairos XXXV
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I can’t sleep without you
Think without you
Eat without you
Speak without you
Be without you, I can’t even breathe without you
I can’t feel without you, deal without you
Spend without you
My whole world is upside down
Don’t wanna go out
Cause I can’t ride without you
Feel like I’m gon’ die without you
What's a guy supposed to do?
When I spend my last dime to be in your life
I don’t wanna be without you
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- Meditation Exercise
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- Study Room 402 in the UCI Science Library
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My family name; I'm called this by most of my family members.
Solomon came up with this. I had my name written in white-out on my school box and Josh scratched it out till it just said Gar Min. There after, it stuck.
Eventually, it broke down to Gar. This stuck in large part to two girls, Mary and Ester. Quite annoying. They looked it up and it means freshwater fish. Once the definition was revealed, it stuck forever. Quite possibly my most popular name aside from Edgar.
I owe this name to Katie in 8th grade. EVERYONE called me Gar, so she stuck up for me and said my name is Ed. Other people call me this if they're too lazy to say Edgar. But I guess the origin points to Katie. Thanks!
Coach Thomas called me this cuz he hated calling me "Edgar" or "Salmingo"; they had to many syallables or sounded to polite. So he decided to call me E-Man. Eventually, it morphed to E-Mail for what reason I do not know.
Chris deemed this name upon me in Loyola because I was so hip. In actuality, I got it cuz they didnt understand why Solomon called me Gar and he just made it G-Funk.
My name at Savon. They actually say that over the intercom: "Salamander, checkstand one please." Oscar gave it to me cuz Salmingo sounded weird.
Not really a popular nickname, but its the name my dad leaves at restaurants when he makes reservations or orders food. When I go pick them up, they already know me as Eddie.
Kacey's name for me. Really dont know where it came from, I dont even like how it sounds. =)
J.C.'s name for me. During humanities lecture, I was filling out some survey and I wrote down Edgar Lindo Salmingo, Jr. She found out I was a Jr. and she's called me that ever since.
My girlfriend Van keeps pinching me, so I call her Pinchy. Also, in the Simpsons, Pinchy was Homer's lobster, and it was nothing but skin and bones, just like Van. Since I call her Pinchy, her name for me is Pinchable.
Relatively new; It's Mike's name for me ever since he found out what it meant. It's my middle name and it's Spanish for beautiful.
Disneyland Haunted House Attendant 3/1/01
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Big event of the day, I saw The Game. No, not Triple H, but I would have liked to see him too; It stars Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. What a freaky movie. Don't want to spoil anything for those who havent seen the movie, but it was quite the mind teaser. DTA: Dont Trust Anyone. Makes you wonder, if you can't trust the people close to you, who can you trust? DTA: all I have to say.
While on the topic of people you can trust, my thoughts for today are friends. I was thinking about this driving back home last night, I was wondering who can I depend on if I needed it? To me, a friend has to be someone who's there for you and understands you. If you don't have those two things, what makes them a friend? Your true friends have to understand you. I mention this cuz I was just thinking that I really dont have many friends. I'm the type of person that goes with quality over quantity, and my friends will have my back in the end, and vice versa. If you're reading this, you're one of the few, congrats! Heh. In short, to be a friend, you've got to have a shared experience, time spent AWAY from school, conversations (online or in person), some sort of understanding of the other, and a commitment of unconditional support. Ideally, I would love people to be proud to have me as their friend. That's why I do so much...they need to know that I'm for them through and through. I hope one day my friends would understand that when I insist on paying, drive long distances, or do favors for them, I do it cuz I want to, not cuz I have to. It's how I am, accept me! You want to show your appreciation, don't buy me things; make sure you have my back in the end. I know I've gotten further from some of my friends as time goes by, but I guess now is the perfect time to say these are the friends that I'm not afraid to use the l-word to: (and where they've first graced me with thir presence)
Brian Paner - Waaaaaay Back, I have no idea =)
Chris Asuncion - Loyola '97
Daniel Han - Loyola '98
Jacob Song - Loyola '97
Jessica "J.C." Chou - UCI '00
Joseph Carraway - Savon '00
Julian Michael - Loyola '97
Kacey Orlando - Ontario Mills/Hope House '00
Louie "L.A." Siongco - Loyola '97
Mario Islas - St. Anthony '95
Mike Soto - UCI '00
Mikey Flores - St. Anthony '88
Patrick Evans - Savon '00
Raquel Virgin - Savon '00
Solomon Seyum - St. Anthony '87
Van Nguyen - UCI '00
These people, whether they know it or not, are my friends, my world. May God always bless them and never take them away from me. There are others I know that I didnt mention, but it doesn't mean we arent friends. I like you guys just as much; it's your call whethere you want me in your life. In terms of people that were there for me but never really spent time with, I'm in debt to Joseph Guzman - Loyola '98, Rafael Raudry - Loyola'00, Frank Lan - Loyola '99, John Pau - UCI '01, Andrew Tran UCI - '00, Earl Barzabal Loyola - '98, and many more. Excuse the sappiness today, I'll be back with more manly stuff later =)
Quote of the day: "It's 'just' a game." - The Game
March 2, 2001 Quite a
hellacious day today. Nothing went my way. I awoke to Van's voice
at 10, telling me to get her a form, but I couldnt shower in time
and get it. I found out the FAFSA was due today, and I couldnt do
it cuz I left my PIN at home. The luck. I had lunch at 11, and
the hot wings were terrible. I can taste them now. Ugh. I had to
take Van back cuz she forgot her notebooks. She happened to take
a shower and I just watched. Just kidding. I just did nothing and
sat on my ass and waited. She got back and I went back to my dorm
at aroung 12:20. Great, I had my grids due in 40 mins, so I did
such a bad job on them. Hell, Folkenflik didnt collect them. I
went back to my place, and totally stressed. I got accepted to
take 21 units and I tried fervently to decide what to do with the
FAFSA. I picked up the forms at Van's place late and I came late
to pick her up...just the luck, she told me to meet her at AV.
Ugh. More stress. I got over there and she had more stuff to do
like return the forms and pick up junk at Princeton Review.
After, we finally got settled and went to the Hard Rock Cafe with
35 Shire people. Yes, the fun of hanging with tons of honors
students. Talk about a ripoff....16 bucks for a burger, a drink,
a dessert. Whew! Another nice night, as Van and I spent time with
JC, Eli, and Mike again. It was JC's, Mike's and Christina'a
party, so I didnt complain. It was OK, but the wait was SOOOO
long. Guess what? When I got back, I couldnt find my 4 year
plan....I was SOO pissed, you didnt even know. I feared a broke my hand, cuz my hand was in SO much pain when Mike shook it, and
he's not that strong a guy. No offense. We went back to Van's
place and settled down, as she happened to accidently take my 4-yr plan. At least I found it. I thought we'd be in and out and of course, Van made it so hard to leave. Not that I was complaining! ;) I took her back home and I returned home as well. I finished the FAFSA right before midnight and my tension finally cooled. I am so relaxed, to see how everything turned out. Got to finish Julz' project tommorrow...later! Quote of the day: "Come one over, baby!" - J.C. (no typo!) =) March 1, 2001 Today was one
of the most perfect days of my life. It should rank up there, but
below the day Van told me she loved me, Magic Mountain Day, and
Finding Forrester day. Today was J.C.'s birthday, and it started
off pretty badly. I woke up late for my physics class, which I
never go to. What a shame. And I'm getting an A in the class. Go
figure. Anyway, went to math discussion and it was so not
helpful. Afterwards, I went to pick up Disneyland tix from
UCItems and of course, they had to have sold out. I with drew 140
dollars and I couldnt do anything with it. Doh. Had a physics
lab, which was SO bad. Took all the time and I was SO bored.
Finally, I was free. All we had to do was wait for Van and we
were off. Of course, things couldnt be that simple. I had to wait
a while, yes, a while to get Van. She had to get the flowers, so
she does get credit. Thing was, JC and Eli were waiting for us in
the car, and we were taking our sweet ass time. Whoops. But from
the moment we left UCI, everything was magnificent. We saw the
new parking structure and the place was in a word, nice. First
weird thing noticed @ Disneyland...SO many parking attendants.
First spending of the day, 7 bux for parking. Let the extortion
begin! Wasnt that bad
going in. Barely any people! Nice breezy weather! Heh, I bought
the tix ahead of JC and Eli. Hell, it was her b-day! Last thing I
was gonna do was let them pay. It was on me. First thing we did
was buy, yes again, a camera. Came out to a whopping 18 bux. So
the grand total? 15 mins, 154 dollars. Golly! We went to see the
Walt Disney statue next, and boy did I discover something new.
Lets just say Mickey's nose is quite a member of his creator.
ANYWAY, guess what? Pirates of the Caribbean closed again. I'll
probably never ever get to see that ride in my lifetime...it
never opens for me! I did do a lot of things I hadnt done before
tho. Went on Indiana Jones. Lemme tell ya...quite bumpy. Never
had whiplash like that in a while. Another ride of note,
Matterhorn has changed since the last time I've been to
Disneyland. Very jerky, and boy was I hurting. Didnt help that
Van was between my legs. JC cracked herself up hearing Van scream
and I yelling "OW!" at the top of my lungs. The last
ride of note was the Teacups. I hadnt been on 'em in ages, and
boy was I dizzy! Eli got a hold of the wheel and we spin so damn
fast that I still thought everything was moving after I got off.
It was that bad. I can feel the effects comng back... The last
weirdest thing is probably something I'd never see ever again in
my life. At least I dont want to. We decided to go on Matterhorn
again, but for some reason, there were SO many FOBs already
there, all with glowsticks everywhere and some with matching
jackets. At first JC and Eli were exaggerating how many there
were, but boy were we mistaken. If anything, we made an
understatement. They were EVERYWHERE! Behind our boat, in front,
at the exit, on the way to the next ride, on the next
ride...EVERYWHERE! You dont even know. After, we needed some
grub, so we went to Claim Jumper off Culver. You talk about a
feast! Van got ribs, shades of the Flintstones. JC couldnt dent
her French Dip and I couldnt conquer my chicken, but Eli, went
through the Filet Mignon like a buzzsaw. Good god! Van was quite
shady and asked the people to sing happy birthday to JC. I
suggested it to Van, but of course, she had already done it. Very
bad song...."Sound off, 1, 2" bad, bad, bad. We
followed by going to Blockbuster and reminscing about movies. We
finally got back at around 1030pm and Van and I got JC present
together. We made the corniest card to go with her candy and
flowers. All in all a beautiful day and I couldnt ask for
anymore. Cept money. We spent a whopping $273! Later! Quote of the day: "Stuff tingles." - Mike February 28,
2001 Hey! First
journal entry....sorta nervous, but its about time I started. I
need to keep track of my life! Today was quite the stressful day.
I was practically booked straight from 10am to 9 or 10pm. But as
luck would have it, rain cancelled the wonderful bonfire we were
SUPPOSED to have. That lightened my load. Class from 10-2 was
OK....found out I did the wrong Physics HW. What a disaster.
Anyway, straight after class at 2, I had a doctors appt at 3:30.
Guess what? My load got lighter....I picked up Van at 3 and sped
over to Doctor Ip and got there around 3:10, leaving his office
around 3:30. Joy! I got my stitches out and man, my face has
upgraded from morbid to godly. The magic of surgery these days.
If you saw me today, you'd never would have know i had my eyelid
almost torn away. It is quite a miracle. Anyway, we got h back
early, picking up a lottery ticket on the way back. With the time
extra, we went to Albertson's and got eggs and such to make Mike
and Jessica's cake. It's Mike's birthday today, and we got him a
new home for his Palm (leather case). Wow, we barely bit the
bullet a got out of Van's place near 6, and she was almost late
for her meeting. She had a meeting 6-7 and a movie 7-10, so I had
time to kill. Actually, it turned out to be time well spent. I
went to church at 630pm and got my ashes. Afterwards, I watched
the season finale of the Mole. As I suspected, but no one
believed, Kathryn was indeed the mole. I so knew it! Anyway, it
was a perfect way to end the show. I feel bad cuz I never got to
see any other episodes. Ah well. After, I picked up Van, Levina,
Kevin and Elijah and took them back to AV. Van and I finished the
cake and surprised Mike with it. He was quite moved, but what can
you say? I woulda too. It was his 18th b-day, quite a milestone.
Done for the day, so long! Quote of the day: "Show no mercy." - Kathryn the Mole
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