Hi everyone!!! This is my Simpsons Icon Page. I hope that you like it. If there is someone that you want and i dont have email me and i will get it for you.email me at Matildabri@sprintmail.com.Cya later
The Simpsons
Kids of Springfield Elementary
The Flanders
The Be-Sharps
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Mr.Burns And More
Baseball Players
Springfield Elementary
Springfield Nuclear PowerPlant
On The Television
Doctors And Scientists
Store Clerks and Lawyers
The People of Springfield
Moe's Tavern
At the Police Station and Criminals
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*DISCLAIMER* All images, sounds, and broadcast character representations linked or embedded in this website are copyrighted by the FOX network and are presented solely for evaluation purposes. I do not claim rights to any of this material. No profits, monetary or otherwise, have been received for any of these items.