Karey & Craig
A fairytale love story being lived in the flesh
Craig and I met during the spring of 1997 while talking on an online BBS (the old version of a chat room for all you youngsters out there).  I was relentless in talking to him, as he fondly relates, and we had many good conversations, mostly about politics.  He was a Junior political science major at Southwest State University in Marshall, MN.  I was a month away from graduating high school and was on my way to the University of Missouri-Columbia to begin my nursing degree.  The beginning of our romance was a whirlwind. 

I had begun chatting with a man named Tom.  We talked online and, as most online friendships do, we grew tired of just talking just on the computer.  Tom gave me his phone number and I began calling him on the telephone.  Through these conversations, I learned that Tom had a roommate named Craig.  You can imagine my surprise to find it was THE CRAIG I had been flirting with online!  From that point on, I began calling and asking to speak with Craig rather than Tom.  (I have since apoligized to Tom for this inconsiderate behavior. :) )  Again, I was unrelenting.  Craig and I quickly began talking nightly on the phone, many times until 1 or 2 AM.  I would go to class (sometimes) bleary-eyed from an all-night conversation, but I didn't care!  I was in love!  Craig and I talked frequently of plans after his graduation.  He was to finish school in May and move to Columbia.  We were to begin a wonderful future together.  
More about Karey
My Semester in Australia
The best wedding planning site I've found! John Edwards for President 2004
If you would like to contact me, feel free to do so!