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Guy performing a mighty save

The is the great and mighty GUY HEBERT. Here is some info on his career:

Full Name-->Guy Andrew Hebert ( It's pronounced Gee Ay-bear )

Birthday-->January 7, 1967 (That makes him 30 years old)

Height-->5 Feet 11 Inches

Catches-->Left ( <--- That side)

Jersey Number:31

First NHL Game: December 11, 1991

First NHL Win: December 11,1991 ( 6-3 St. Louis @ Buffalo )

First NHL Shutout:January 11, 1993 (1-0 St. Louis @ Detroit, 31 Saves )

Guy Hebert Was acquired from the St. Louis Blues in the 1993 NHL Expansion Draft. He is the "First Ever" Mighty Duck. He was also the first Mighty Duck to be named NHL player of the week. Hebert recorded the Ducks first road victory on the first road game the Ducks ever played. ( 4-2 victory at NY Rangers, October 19,1993) Hebert also had the first shutout in Mighty Ducks History.( 1-0 victory at Toronto, December 15, 1993)

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Player Info( i'm working on this!!).

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The Mighty Ducks Photo Gallery

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