This Is me in a school( NOT IN PRISON, LIKE SOME OF YOU HAVE SAID LOL), late at night, messing around with a polaroid

Same school, different pose

My corny ass pic my ex made me get!

One of me and a Friend in frisco

This is me last year at my 21st b-day..big party huh? Dont worry though, i went out later!

heres a close up of that pic!

heres the one of the pics from the wwf royal rumblea>

this is 4 years ago in my gradution

This is my dad. happy guy aint he?=)

for all the talkcity latinos, this is kristina_78, Bishop-hawke and I in san fran

Heres Proof that i've been outta california! Im the one on top

heres a new one

This is one of The most beautiful girls in the world..Dont be jealous, take a look!(she's not MINE!LOL)

Me at a friends house

Same house, different pose


and again...

and again.......

Last One!!

new background...


Hillarious personal ad...

More to come as money, and time allows! check back soon