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My name is Henry Slusarek, and I live with my wife, Marian, in a small town in Illinois called Peru. We are both retired and have two grown children, Paula and Donald. We enjoy attending the various horseshoe tournaments throughout the state. At home, I play with a great group of guys and gals at a local park and have made some really good friends. I have enjoyed pitching horseshoes for over sixty years, but I am new to this internet stuff. If you want to discuss the game, please feel free to email me. I would love to hear from you.

La Salle Horseshoe League

Final League Standings

1997 League Standings

1998 League Standings

1999 League Standings

2000 League Standings

2001 League Standings - None

2002 League Standings - None

2003 League Standings - None

2004 League Standings

Newspaper Articles

Read About Henry


Read About Art

Read About Jack
Henry's Tournament Standings

1997 Tournaments

1998 Tournaments

1999 Tournaments

2000 Tournaments

2001 Tournaments

2002 Tournaments

2003 Tournaments

2004 Tournaments

Henry's NHPA Profile
Illinois NatStats


This page was last updated on 04/03/05.

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