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As you can probably see, this site is dedicated to the Pittsburgh Penguins ,and specifically, Mario Lemieux. I am one of the biggest Pittsburgh Penguin fans in all of Connecticut, and probably the only Penguin fan here that liked them and Mario before they were good. As this page undergoes construction, I will add Pens wav's, Pens links, pics, video(hopefully), and tons of other stuff. This page was selected as a Best of Pittsburgh Site!! Okay, here's the latest news: Pics from recent games have been added to the "pics" section. look below, on the image map, or below that, for a link to the pics section. Now, vote for the Penguin MVP. CONGRATULATIONS to Joey Mullen, who Friday, against Colorado, became the 1st American born NHLer to net 500 goals!!

Check out pictures from recent games here!

people since October 23, 1996, have visited this site!

J a v a S c o r e b o a r d

Here is a new scoreboard for the penguins, you must have a Java browser! It always has the latest score, even if I am unable to update!

Vote for Pittsburgh Penguin Awards!

Most Valuable Player for the Pens:

Best Rookie of the Year in a Penguin uniform:

Best New Penguin of the Year:

Pittsburgh Penguin Page Evaluation Section

Please do this evaluation! Hey my page can only get better!

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What trade this year was the best?

Which is the Best Jersey?

What has been the best Pens symbol?

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Other Comments:

Note:All pics, wav's, videos, and other stuff are the property of the Pittsburgh Penguins® , the NHL, and the NHL Players' Association. All logos are property of the Pittsburgh Penguins and the NHL. Just don't sue me!
Contents of this page are the property of Mintai © 1996

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