Up Comming Feature:

Fan Posting Section.

After recieving much fan fare, it seemed that a fan posting section would be a good way to share what Capriti fans have said. I will welcome any comments, but will use my discretion in posting. If you are interested in having you comments included please send them to capriatifan@geocities.com.

note: This section will be added in March, since I've become very busy as of late and I apologize for not being able to keep this site as updated as possible.

This page was inspired by Jennifer Capriati after watching her at the Ameritech Cup Finals and meeting her afterwards. Being a devoted fan, I was disappointed to find a lack of resources on the internet and decided that I should provide it for all her fans.

This site is best viewed Netscape 2.0+ and high end version may be coming shortly.

Please feel free to comment about both this site and Jennifer Capriati. I will be posting any messages of interest. I would also love to hear from Jennifer or her family and friends.

Send mail to capriatifan@geocities.com.

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