LAST UPDATED: 5/23/97Like the background music? Its from Descent. If you've got any other MIDI files that you like me to use as background music, Email me(liv2sk8@hotmail.com). Sorry for not updating the page enough, but I have been busy with my business, TechWorld. We make link cables for TI graphing calculators and we do custom Win95 programming. Our site also has lots of info about HTML, VB, C++, Java, and ZShell.Inline Links
Cool Sites Of The Week
Pix Of Skaters
How To's
Skate Parks
Tips On Buying An Aggressive Skate
Aggressive Events
Ramp Building(Heckler Ramp Plans)
Rail Building Plans(Brett's Rail Plans)
WILSA - Washington In-Line Skaters Association
TechWorld - My programming and gaming page. Also has a TI calculators page.

Daniel Hendershot
Welcome to my homepage! Here you will find all sorts of stuff about aggressive inline skating. Be sure to check out the What's New section. This is where you can find out what I have added last.I have a VERY large list of Skateparks, a good How To section, and a fairly large collection of links. These are just some of the things you will find at my homepage.
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