As players of the OSU Women's Club Hockey Team, in order to establish guidelines, a unified goal, a worthwhile purpose, insure fairness, eligibility standards, and to promote sportsmanship, do hereby set forth the following Constitution for our Team.


As ordained by this article, the official name of our organization is "The Women's Ice Hockey Club at The Ohio State University."


The purpose of the Women's Ice Hockey Club is as follows: (1) to promote the sport of women's ice hockey; (2) provide instruction and guidance in the game of ice hockey; (3) teach the values of good sportsmanship; (4) encourage cooperation and enhance leadership qualities at an individual level.


This article provides the rules governing membership and the applicable rights of those who qualify as members.

Section 1 - Membership eligibility

1. A female individual through proper association with the Ohio State University shall obtain status as an eligible member of the Women's Ice Hockey Team. Proper association is any full or part-time student actively enrolled, any member of the faculty or staff of the Ohio State University, which is to be extended to the spouses of faculty and staff but not students. These requirements are conditional upon sufficient proof of such association.

Section 2 - Membership revocation

1. Membership can be revoked for any student whose enrollment is terminated by the Ohio State University. Membership for all faculty, staff and spouses provided by such relationship can be revoked by way of termination of employment with the University or divorce. In addition, all members can have their membership revoked for just cause and reason.

Section 3 - Membership policy

1. It is the policy of the Women's Ice Hockey Club to extend membership to all female persons who fulfill the eligibility requirements enumerated in this Constitution. The Women's Ice Hockey Club encourages participation and accepts all female persons who qualify as a recognized member regardless of race, color, nationality, religion or creed.

Section 4 - Membership rights and privileges

All recognized student-members have the right to vote on officers during elections. Members eligible under other circumstances do not have the right to vote. Each member receives one vote. All members have the right to call a special meeting to address any pertinent issues or concerns they have regarding any facet of the team.


In order to provide a forum for all members, the officers of the Ice Hockey Club shall schedule, and oversee meetings. Meetings will be held at a minimum of once a month while both the University is in session and the season is active. All members must be given proper notice of any scheduled meeting. Failure to do such renders all policies or rules established at said meeting voidable. All members need not attend. Any member may waive their right to attend a meeting but is bound by all policies and rules established at said meeting if within the bounds of fairness and due process. Special meetings may be called by any member of the Ice Hockey Club by petitioning any officer through written methods laying out the issue(s) to be addressed, the officer will then within seven days provide for such a meeting.


All administrative powers of the Women's Ice Hockey Club will be vested in the officers of the team. These officers shall consist of: (1) a president; and (2) a vice-president; and (3) a treasurer; and (4) a sergeant-at-arms. As officers of the Women's Ice Hockey Club it is their responsibility both manage and lead the team in an effectual manner. They are the representatives of the team in an administrative capacity and the most stalwart ambassadors for the team.


Every year officers will be nominated and elected. Elections will transpire no later than the last two weeks of the season. Nominations will be held at a time to be determined by the incumbent officers. All members have the right to nominate any eligible member for office. While membership eligibility is broad, only full-time students may hold office. No member will be compelled to hold office. Voting will be conducted by a secret ballot. Two officers chosen by the officers and two non-officers chosen by non-officer members and one coach will take the ballots and tally all votes. The female members with the majority of votes in their respective nomination will be chosen for that term. A member may only hold one office in one given term.


Procedures for acquiring team capital may be provided for in as many ways as necessary and by means as equitable as possible. At a minimum, team dues will be set for each quarter by the officers and voted on by all members. All other methods of fundraising will be instituted by the treasurer and will contain its own methods and procedures for acquiring monies. The treasurer will be responsible for maintaining the team fund. Any member may petition any other officer for an accounting. All fundraising efforts must conform to Ohio State University guidelines and procedures.


Coaches for the Women's Ice Hockey Club may be any person so nominated by any player and agreed upon by a majority vote of all student-members. Coaches are volunteers. In the case of removal, any player may at any time petition for a special meeting to hold a vote on this issue.


All travel arrangements will be made in accordance with Ohio State University guidelines and procedures. Funding not provided by the university will be augmented or furnished by the team.


Whenever the majority of the members of the team deem it necessary this Constitution may be amended. Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be made at any meeting by any member. All members must be provided due process in amending the Constitution. All members must vote on the proposed amendment or by written notice waive their right to vote. The amendment upon a majority approval will be incorporated into this Constitution where applicable and feasible.


This Constitution governs the Women's Ice Hockey Club at The Ohio State University. This document supersedes any previous governing document and preempts any other rules that directly conflict with any article contained within. Specific rules and procedures for team and league play will be provided by USA Hockey and The Central Collegiate Women's Hockey Association.