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league champs

The CCWHA league championship was held this weekend at Michigan State University and for the third year in a row Ohio State has managed to remain the league champions. They beat Western Michigan 1-0 and Michigan State 2-0.

Practice times are Tuesdays from 8:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for the advanced team and Thursdays from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for the novice team.

The advanced team's league championship was held this weekend and for the third year in the row, Ohio State has been the league champions by beating Western Michigan 1-0 and Michigan State 2-0.

Theclub constitutionis here!

The head coach and assistant coach have been hired for the women's varsity ice hockey program at OSU. The head coach for the varsity team is Jackie Barto and assistant coach is Kevin Cunningham. You may send email concerning the women's varsity ice hockey program to:

You may also visit the new Ohio State Women's Varsity Ice Hockey webpage at:

The Ohio State University has two teams that consisting of women who are affiliated with the university. An advanced team for experienced players and a novice team for beginner and less experienced players.

The advanced team participates in the CCWHA(Central Collegiate Womens Ice Hockey Association). Other teams that are in this league are The University of Illinois,Western Michigan University, Michigan State University,and The University of Michigan.

Both teams practice two nights a week and have games on the weekends either at the Ohio State University Ice Rink or at the other universities. There are also several tournaments in which these teams participate in throughout the year.

The Ohio State University Women's Ice Hockey Club hosted the AWCHA Collegiate National Championships for the 1996-97 season! North Country Community College beat Ohio State University in the final round.

The Ohio State University won the 1997-98 league championships by beating Western Michigan in the final round.

The Ohio State University will gain a women's varsity hockey program in the Fall of 1999. A coach has been hired to head the team.

This page has had visitors since 8/30/98.

This webpage is maintained by Lori Bolton and Brian Richards

Send questions to:

This site was last updated on 8/5/99.