Southeast Area

Special Olympics is an international program of year-round  sports training and athletic competition for children and  adults with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics began in 1968 when Eunice Kennedy Shriver  organized the First International Special Olympics Games at Soldier Field, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The concept was born  in the early 1960s when Mrs. Shriver started a day camp for  people with mental retardation. She saw that people with  mental retardation were far more capable in sports and physical  activities than many experts thought. Since 1968, millions  of children and adults with mental retardation have participated  in Special Olympics.

Special Olympics
Kansas   Southeast Area
Amber Hellwig
9001 W 67th Street
Merriam, KS  66202
913 789-0347
800 821-1537
Fax: 913 789-0331

© 2009 Special Olympics-Kansas-Southeast Area
Calendar of Events
Created by the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation.
Authorized and Accredited by Special Olympics, Inc. for the Benefit of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

For information or to make a donation, contact:

Special Olympics Kansas Code of Conduct
Kansas Law Enforcement
Torch Run
NEW BOUNDRIES ESTABLISHED - Special Olympics Kansas has gone from 6 Areas to 5 Regions.  Special Olympics Kansas Southeast has been placed with KC Metro and under the direction of Regional Director Amber Hellwig.  Amber can be contacted at

SOUTHEAST SPRING GAMES- The Southeast Spring Games track and field competition will be held on April 23, 2009, at Pittsburg State University and the aquatics competition at the Osawatomie YMCA.

- Special Olympics Kansas has established a new online general store to purchase all your Special Olympics Kansas clothes, hat and knick knacks.  Be sure and visit the site at

ALL CLASS A Volunteers, who have regular, close contact with athletes, vounteers in a position of authority, or vounteers in a position or trust MUST complete a volunteer registration form and have a personal screening using a national vendon.  Special Olympics Kansas will not permit a New Class A Volunteer applicant to participate as a Class A Volunteer until that person has been screened and approved by the program.  Vounteers must be re-screened every 3 years.  If you have any questions, please contact Terri Price at

- SPECIAL OLYMPICS POLICY: Special Olympics Kansas, Inc. shall not permit a Class A Volunteer to participate as a Class A Volunteer until that person has completed the online Protective Behaviors training.  Each U.S. Program must incorporate the new Protective Behaviors training into its regular ongoing training for all Class A Volunteers.  The online version of Protective Behaviors can be found at protectivebehaviors.  If you have any questions, please contact Terri Price at  PLEASE COMPLETE NOW- Don't Wait!

STATE SOFTBALL AND GOLF- The 2009 Chuck E. Watson Softball and Golf Tournament will move from Winfield to Wichita.  The events will take place from Friday, July 31st thru Sunday, August, 12, 2009. The Cessna Activity Center will host the Softball Tournament.  The golf tournament site as yet to be chosen. Be sure and check for updates.

Special Olympics Kansas is dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual disabilites to become physically fit, productive and respected memebers of society through sports competitions, health and nutrition programs, and leadership development.  Offering year-round initiatives to children and adults with intellectual disabilities.  Special Olympics Kansas is a platform for acceptance and inclusinon as well as one of the largest advocates for healthy lifestyles in the state-regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or cultrual differences.