1. Instructions for a killer jump serve
Your toss equals your set, so toss the ball just like you'd like it to be set. If you like a high set, then toss it high. If low's better, then go low. There's no single type of toss that's right for everyone, just like there's no one set that works for all hitters.

You need to set yourself well. A bad toss can negate any benefit you might get out of jump serving. Nine times out of 10, players will just try to keep the ball in the court and not hit if the toss is bad. You need to practice this skill as much as possible. It takes a lot of time and repetitions, but the same way a basketball player will spend hours shooting free throws, a good volleyball player will spend hours working on his toss.

You should never have to catch your toss. With enough practice, you should always get it right the first time. Look at professional tennis: Have you ever seen Pete Sampras catch his toss? Rarely, if at all. And he gets two attempts.

[On to step 2]

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