Welcome to Chris Harris's Ultimate Page!


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Fools Fest page 1

Fools Fest page 2

About Ultimate

Ultimate Frisbee (actually, just Ultimate. FrisbeeŽ is a licensed trademark of the WhammoŽ corporation.) is a fast paced sport that is played with a disc and two teams with seven players on each team.Ultimate can be just a leisurely day in the park, or an all day, all out, in-your-face, sprint marathon. At the higher levels, Ultimate has been shown to be the most aerobic sport you can play. It's this intensity that I love. If you don't like to get horizontal (and I'm not talking about sex), then Ultimate is not for you.

Generally, Ultimate is played with a Discraft UltraStar 175 gram disc.This is slightly heavier than discs you may be accustomed to, but it has good control and cuts the wind better than lighter discs. The field is similar to football field, only smaller. The object of the game is to advance the disc to the endzone by passing the disc. When a player catches the disc he/she must stop as soon as possible. When the disc is caught in the endzone, one point is awarded. When a specified number of points is reached, the game is over.

There are no referees, although there are occasionally impartial observers who can be called upon to rule in a dispute. This self-officiation system is a great source of pride for Ultimate players. Ultimate is to be played with sportsmanship which honors the Spirit Of The Game(SOTG).

To find out more about Ultimate and its rules, check out the Ultimate Players Association Home Page. This page has everything to get you started including rules, general info, a few pics, and a few links.

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