1999-2000 Stats and More


1999-2000 KSAC STATS  
     For All Regular Season Games        
(Last updated 2/11/00)                  
               (For game through 2/10/00)                   
Player (School)                        GP     Pts     Avg.   
1. Dustin Laughlin, Union           20     408     20.4   
2. Mike Carr, NC                        22     435     19.8   
3. Chris Banner, Keystone          20     371     18.6   
4. Darren Duhnke, RV                 20     352     17.6   
5. Rob Kusick, Karns City          17     296     17.4   
6. Keith Lukasavich, ACV          21     359     17.1   
7. Aaron Brinkley, Mont.           20     326     16.3   
8. Kurt Wolber, NC                    17     249     14.6   
9. Clayton Kirschner, Mont.      20     288     14.4   
10. Pat Moore, ACV                    20     276     13.8   
* Moniteau and CA stats are missing one game

                    Keystone season ends
DATE: 3/10/00
SCORE: Duquesne 63, Keystone 50
KEYSTONE LEADIN3 SCORERS: Chris Banner 17, Ryan Rupert 11, Charlie Cotherman 10
KEYSTONE OTHER STATS: Cotherman 10 rebounds, Raoul Whitaker 4 assists
T    1     2     3    4    T
K    9    2    20  19  50
13   20   11  19  63
KEYSTONE 3-POINTERS: Rupert 2, Banner 1

1999-2000 KSAC STATS        
For All Conference Games               
(Last Updated 2/14/00)                  
Player (School)                GP    Pts.   Avg.
1. Dustin Laughlin, Union        13      241    18.5  
1t. Mike Carr, North Clarion      14      259    18.5  
3. Chris Banner, Keystone        13      237    18.2  
4. Darren Duhnke, RV              14      244    17.4  
5. Keith Lukasavich, ACV        14      234    16.7  
6. Jeff Bruner, Clarion Area       15      221    14.7  
7. Kurt Wolbert, North Clarion  12      170    14.2  
* 8. Rob Kusick, Karns City        12      168    14.0  
* 9. Clayton Kirschner, Moniteau 13      180    13.8  
* 10. Aaron Brinkley, Moniteau   13      177    13.6  
* =missing one game                                         

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