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Check out the July 1998 Issue of Jump Magazine, top of page 79 or click here to view the article. I am part of this article about Guys in Girls Sports! There is even a picture of me in the Smallwood Arena, in Mt. Pearl, Newfoundland! This magazine comes out of Los Angeles and I'm the only Canadian male in the article!

I was asked to be in one episode of the CBC Television show "Dooley's Gardens" I will be figure skating! Look for the show in the fall of 1998 or winter of 1999

Hey! Why not have a look at some pics from my summer vacation to the United States.

* Please sign my NEW guestbook below *

This is my younger sister Jessica and my Mom. Hey Newfoundland figure skaters, you know her as the Judge that gives stickers!

My Family Pic

This is my younger sister Jessica and my Mom. Hey Newfoundland figure skaters, you know her as the Judge that gives stickers!


My name is Thomas Hawkins and I began figure skating in October of 1990. I was eight years old then. I am now 15 years old and am working on my Senior Silver Free Skate, my Senior Silver Dances, Competitive Class 3 Skills, and my Novice Competitive Free Skate Test.
Click here to view a list of my Professional Coaches and CFSA Tests Passed.

I was born in Twillingate, Newfoundland and lived in the Town of Summerford (about 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour away). We moved to the airport Town of Gander, Newfoundland. We lived there for three years and last summer we moved to the City of Mt. Pearl, also in Newfoundland. I am now skating with figure skating coach Kevin Walsh and doing really well.

In the fall of 1996, after skating at the Newfoundland and Labrador Sunlife Sectional Competition, I earned a place on the Newfoundland Provincial Figure Skating Team. Our Figure Skating Section then gave me the opportunity of skating with some of our Province's best skaters. I trained with them for almost three weeks before attending, in December 1996, the Bank of Montreal Atlantic Canadian Figure Skating Championships, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

While I still got nervous at this competition I felt very comfortable as a member of the team sent from Newfoundland, and I appreciated the effort that my Figure Skating Section made in helping me feel like a true member of the team.
Click here to view a list of the Competitions that I have attended.

My jump goal this summer was to land my double axel and my triple toe loop. And my spin goal I was to get my camel change camel. I got the camel change camel but am still working on the double axel and triple toe and I am pleased to say that they are getting closer. I hope to pass my Novice Competitive Free Skate Test in a few weeks.

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I hope that you will come back and visit with me again!

Links to other sites on the Web

The Newfoundland Section Home Page
My Mom's Figure Skating World
The Sports Network
A Really Great Figure Skating Chat Room

The KD Games Homepage (I created it.)

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