Downtown Norfolk

I unfortunately do not have any cool pics of these places so I'll just describe what is so great about each place.If anyone who lives in the Norfolk area and has pics of themselves or others skating these places and wouldn't mind being seen on this page Drop me a line and I'll tell you where to send the pics to be scanned for free.


There is a kind of a monument or something like that at one end of the Waterside Shopping area that is nothing but a bunch of stairs.On the water front there are lots of Benches good for FishBrains not to mention rails and a few of these stupid no SK8er's Allowed Signs that are pretty useless you can usually skate down there for a while before Security makes you leave They didn't have a problem with us going inside the mall there with just our socks on though.There's a Cappuccino Shop there for those of you who like to slam a nice cold one before Grindin' Some Rails.

First Virginia National Bank

This place is just about a block away from Waterside.Here you have planters Stairs Rails a couple of good Drop offs,And a Subway across the street.

The Scope

Is a Convention Center with all the stairs and wood handrails you could want.


Is right across the street from Waterside and there is a security guard that comes out but before he gets to tell you to leave it's a good Idea just to split and come back about 20 min later do the same thing that way he never gets the chance to say"I told you to stay off our Rails!".Couple of the Fastest rails downtown are here at the NationsBank.
