Hello! My name is Blaine A. Anaya and as you can tell Aggressive Inline is one of my favorite things to do!I have been Skating for over 4 years and Inline for about 2 and aggressively for about a year.I use to Skate Chesapeak Park, Downtown Norfolk, And The Beach. I had an Accident on June, 15 1996 and was out of the skate scene for over three months and had some time to throw this page together.Actually It has been awhile since the accident and I really haven't been able to get back into the Skate Scene because Medical Bills SUCK! when you don't have Health Insurance!
I was in the Navy for over 4 years. I am now out and was working as an Independent Contractor.I had a contract with a Novell Technical Support Center.Then I moved to Savannah for awhile. I was in the VA. Area again for about 8 months and now Im back in Atlanta working Full-Time as a Novell Technical Support Engineer. Im also going to school full time at DeVry
I am a Christian Skater and if anyone is interested in or knows of a Christian Aggressive Skate Association please contact me.I would like to assemble a international tour of christian skaters to interest more people in foreign countries in Inline and at the same time spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had plans to go to Bulgaria and introduce Inline and pass out 200 Bulgarian bibles but I had an accident about 2 weeks before I was supposed to make that trip.If anyone is interested in sponsoring or becoming a part of this contact me at the E-mail link below.
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