Aggressive Inline Skating From Virginia BeachNOTE:This Site is no longer being updated Welcome To The Virginia Beach/Tidewater Area Aggressive Skaters Page.Here you will find out where the best places to cut loose are, Where to watchout for the Cops, And who to look up when you get here. There are also Helpful Hints for beginners and what to look for when looking for new Inlines.Upcoming Local Events will also be covered here. Disclaimer: All tricks and stunts illustrated or described here are for your general information. I am not suggesting that anyone attempt anything described or illustrated here without proper training or have totally NO FEAR or care for their saftey.Remember always wear your helmet because Crack Kills!Have fun!!If you have any Suggestions or just want to slam my page just drop me a line the Mail link is at the bottom of the page
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times! ![]() Last Changes Made March 27, 2001