ET Design is a full service design group specializing in automotive design, illustration, graphics, packaging and advertising. ET Design also offers Poroduct Development Consulting, Trend Spotting Consulting and Marketing Consulting servies to help your company find that edgeand stay there.

ET Design started in 1996 serving the automotive aftermarket. It evolved from a one man show specializing in Automotive Design and Development to the full service group it is today. From early automotive and project vehicle design in the Mini Truck, and Car Audio days through the Tuner craze and into the DUB and now into the retro-cool G-Machine category, ET Design hashelped companies grow and stand out.

Some of our clients include:
Mopar, SEMA, Ford, GM Performance, Primedia, NuFormz, Wings West, Lowrider Edge, Stitchcraft, and more.

Also available from ET Design is project vehicle development. ET Design has built and campaigned many of their own show-stopping custom vehicles. Each time setting trends and helping promote their partners latest performance and styling accessories.  
2006 Mopar Drift Charger Concept by ET Design
ET Design Partners
JL Full Throttle, Die-Cast Vehicles
Mopar, Muscle.Street.Speed
Stitchcraft Custom Interiors
Mothers Polishes,Waxes and Cleaners
Contact Info
Name: ET Design, Eric Tscherne