







We are the psyko nomadic fishermen. We wander from lane to lane seeking victory... or death. We take no prisoners and eat a lot of fish. We are also insane and are forbidden to breed. But that's ok. Because we are the fishermen. When our balls hit their mark we score big. But if we shoot poorly, the only thing remaining is a small pin count. We came from eyes. Eyes was the first step. A bold experiment testing the great hypothesis: can a bunch of youngins' whoop the old folk’s asses. Eyes conquered that summer. But collapsed after loosing its anchor man to employment. And thus pnf was formed. Pnf is a gentlemen’s club of the finest bowlers in the Thibodaux area.



Latest News 05.01.02

Urgent! Post for PNF site: PNF 2000 slaughters the house record for scratch series with a 3320(i think). Everyone on the team bowled at least a 600 with Wix hitting his first 700. –jack


I shot 711, jack shot 680, lyle 690, austin shot high 600, and jared shot a 600 -wix


this page is maintained by nick johnson