My deepest most sincere apologies to my fellow Yorkists. I think these blooming roses are brilliant, and when I have time I shall work out a way of making them white as is right. |
Oh it looks awful having lancky roses by Richard's name. I hate it I hate it I hate it. |
"very, er, romantic" said Midnight, considering civil war to be romantic. |
Richard's Sonnet |
The original rhyming couplets |
Lady Lucy, Midnight is gone From England where she battles won. Since her depart my life sees change Like revolt from subjects strange. When all my comfort turns to woe No wonder my spirits are low. The ones I love all pass away. My night will never become day. The curse upon the brothers three Hath spawned a threat across the sea. Ask Lady Midnight, whom you know To come and help me if she's free. While Midnight lives in another land The power slips from Richard's hand. |
Midnight, who helped me battles win Has left to fight in another hell. My life collapses while she helps her kin. I an England's king, yet my subjects rebel. A threat across the sea is spawned Caused by the curse upon the brothers. My destiny of death has dawned As one friend dies, and then another. When all my comfort turns to woe No wonder melancholy possesses me. I ask you Lucy, if she's free, Send Lady Midnight back to me. While Midnight lives in another land The power slips from Richard's hand. |
Indulge in nothing but white roses |
Yes I did write both versions. No I know I shouldn't put this on the Internet. Who wants to nick it? |
yay, real white roses at last! |
I wrote this in McDonalds one evening - made for a long meal! Not a bad place to write poetry actually, provided there's no one else in there. I wrote in rhyming couplets, as they're what come easiest to me, then I thort "I've got about the right number of lines for a sonnet". As can be seen, that took some juggling! I hope the finished product is good, though I don't think it is - the lines don't scan properly for a start. From the Amberite Yorkist! |
join my unserious Roses RPG egroup |
from the lady and the unicorn tapestry, C15th, depicting the senses. |
York Minster choir screen, stone, C15. Lifesize figures of the kings of England from William I to Henry VI |
some nice pictures... |
fleur de lys |
This costume is rather too early to be on this page! More pictures and patterns |
Ricardian fiction - a well respected page |