I have been bowling for 10 years, now finishing up my 11th year as I write this synopsis. I use to like bowling prior to this 10 year experience, but now I love bowling. The difference was made when I started bowling regular as a league bowler. In the beginning, I tried to go open bowling just like most people, but never could get an available lane because of the time I choose or because there were leagues bowling. So I ended up bowling maybe once or twice a year at that time. I enjoyed it, but obviously I was not serious about it. I joined my first league in order that I might bowl regular (at least once a week) and I had an average of 135 my first year. During this time, I use to look at what I considered good bowlers who were averaging 175 to 180 or better and I would ask them, "How long have you been bowling?" and they would reply, "About 30 years". So I began thinking to myself and the thought came to me that I don't have 30 years in this body of mine. You see, at this time I was 39 years of age. So the decision was made, if I wanted to be competitive as soon as possible I would have to accelerate the time and make a conscientious effort to improve myself. I did this by practicing regularly (almost daily), investing money in better equipment and receiving tips and instructions from various people.
One person in particular whom I have to mention here is Robert "Bob" Gawlik, he owns a Pro-Shop in the home center where I bowl (Cloverleaf Lanes). Bob used to be on the Pro Circuit for some time before he made the decision to settle down. He generally has a fee of $25 per hour for instructions. Bob would also help me in choosing various equipment and create some exotic drilling of balls to fit the style of bowling that I use.
So after the first year, my average improved to 145. The next year, my average improved to 167. The following year, my average jumped to the 180's. The next two years my average was 200 or better. Since then, my average has fluctuated from 185 to 195.
I wrote this here not to be written as conceitedness or for bragging rights. The purpose was intended to show anyone who reads this as an open bowler, league bowler, or any other beginning athlete, that with dedication, time, money, and conscientiousness, they can too improve their game. You have to be positive and open-minded.
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Some of my accomplishments are: 3 - 300 games, 2 - 298 games, 6 - 290 games and various other feats accomplished in bowling such as 700 series, 600 series, 500 series I am a certified coach. I have a Junior Olympic Team USA Level I, Level II Instructor Certification, and USA Olympic Bronze Coach. I have attended Dick Ritger's Bowling Camp. I have served on several Board Associations, such as The Greater Miami Men's Bowling Association and The Miami Tri-County Senate which is an affiliate of the National Bowling Association. I have coached junior bowlers in the Young American Bowling Alliance (YABA). I also work at Cloverleaf Bowling Center as Bowling Instructor and Customer Representative.
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Some of my goals remaining in bowling that I would like to achieve are to be able to bowl an 800 series and last but not least is to be able to compete on the Senior Pro Tour when I reach the age of 50 which is the eligibility requirement for age.
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