Welcome to ICEJOHN's Zone!

Welcome to my home page. This is the web page featuring my personal interest about a couple of things, especially, the wrestling. You will find some information about the submission, freestyle and pro-style wrestling here . And you can know me as a person besides my wrestling world

Howdy 2009! Been a while since I re-visit this page. Guess now everybody is on Facebook. I have continued to work out hard and kept all the muscle mass (165lb, 32 waist, 16 arm, 42 chest). Work has been busy and travel quite often to North Central Florida and Cleveland, Ohio. Always look forward to making more new friends (wrestling or not). Check out my blog. You are welcome to check it out to see what I was doing most of the time. .

Here is what I look like now. Enjoy!

Haven't taken any pictures recently of any wrestling match. You can check out my last wrestling matches pictures against the Crusher from Florida here by click on "what's new" icon above.

I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is a beautiful nice place in the summer but it turns into a frozen land in the bitter winter. I went to school in Florida before I moved to Wisconsin. And all my friends said that I was out of my mind because nobody wants to move from the warm south to the cold north. Well, I guess life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. ( I know, I know, I steal the lines from the Forrest Gump. )

In Y2K summer, I went through my first powerlifting competition in my life. I finished in 4th place because I injured my left shoulder after squatting 400 lb and deadlifting 235 lb. So I only benched press 230 lb which was a big disappointment to me. However, it was still a special experience to me. After diagnosis, my doctor told me that I was lucky not to tear my rotator cuff but sprain the tender and shoulder muscle badly. So I took a long break from the weightlifting and wrestling and did a lot of painful (or should I say, boring?) physical therapy exercise. Now I am almost 85% fully recovery but my doctor advises me not to do any heavy weightlifting anymore. In other words, my powerlifting days is over. What a bummer. :0( Well, I guess nothing is more important than being healthy, right? But at least, I still can wrestle. That will still give me a lot of good workout.

I am lucky to know lots of friends via wrestling. And most of them are very very nice. For a lonely rider like myself, it is a blessing to know some nice friends. Some people said that I was darn hot when they met me and some people even did not care to look at me (haven't happened that often though. :0) ). But nobody has ever complained about my easy going personality once they know me. I am shy but have a wild heart if you know what I am saying.

Thanks for stepping into my world and I hope that you have a joy ride here!

Please send me mail ! Check back soon!

Copyright John Wu 2009
Last revised: Jan 13, 2009.