A World of my Own

The homepage of John Moore,
runner-up in the 1999 European
Golf Croquet Championship, and
Italian Golf Croquet Open Champion 2002.

I was born on 5 November 1969 in Newcastle upon Tyne.

This site can also be found at www.johnmoore.me.uk, which looks nicer and is kept more up to date.

On this site:

Croquet: My croquet pages include photos from the World Golf Croquet Championships in 2000 (Cairo) and 2002 (West Palm Beach). John M Compatibility Detector: I am still single. Would you be a suitable partner for me? Try the John M Compatibility Detector to find out. It was designed as a joke, but remains on my site by popular demand.
Running: I am a member of Heaton Harriers. This link takes you to a selection of my PBs. Speedway : Report on an 1100 mile walk I did in 1990 visiting British speedway tracks.
E-mail me if you wish to pass any comments on this site.
My cup of tea

I also have a penchant for visiting tea rooms.

This site was last updated on 14th August 2002.

In case any of my hobbies take your interest, I
have compiled a list of relevant links, which
include the web sites of Heaton Harriers and Croquet North.