"Icabod" © 



Find out more about Icabod on our Links Page 

Dedicated to the advancement of Race Walking in New Zealand
This site will be progressively updated in the near future

 The Association caters for all walkers ranging from elite athletes to youngsters or the elderly. Some are very serious, but others treat it as a very casual obsession. The main function of the Association is to link the various small groups scattered around New Zealand, primarily through the Association's Magazine.

2006 NZ Road Champs

2006 NZ Long Distance Walks Champs

Including Non-Championships Races and Coaching Session

Walk Judges Course 21 October 2006

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  Click HERE to go to our MENU PAGE

Back copies of our magazine

(Current copies are only available to financial members of the New Zealand Race Walking Association)

Click HERE to go to the Taranaki Race Walking Club's Website