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Welcome To

Bobby's World

or at least my version of it


As soon as I get an email back from BOBBY I should have an actual update for this page. After all, he did promise to give me some answers to an interview I gave him for this site.

This page will become, hopefully in a very short time, a place where ALL fans of Detroit Vipers defenseman Bobby Jay can go to get some great information and some equally as good, if not great, pictures of him. After all, Bobby Jay IS the sexiest defenseman in the IHL!!!


Check out this press release about what BOBBY JAY will be doing this season!!!


Check out this new page I have as a Thank You to Bobby Jay.

Please check out these two NEW photo pages I have of Bobby Jay 1 & 2 !!!

Bobby looks SO fine with a goatee!

Bobby has such a D@MN fine smile!!!

Can I be in the middle of this
DELICIOUS Viper sandwich???

Please check out my new page of pictures of Bobby Jay

You are person number to enter BOBBY'S WORLD

Email Me Please

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My NEW Ewan McGregor page

To send a COMICAL email postcard click on the above link

A lot of the pics on this page I got off of a Vipers fan page. Please check it out if you can. BTW, she's got a really neat page about Bobby off of her main Viper page.

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