Welcome to Fong’s Hung Ga Kung Fu Association’s official web site. The
school is dedicated to teach and present only the purest, most traditional
Chinese Hung Ga Kung Fu in the United States. We
offer classes for kids, teens and adults, from beginner to
advanced levels.
New York, Staten Island
Head Instructor: Sifu Fong
95A Lincoln Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10306
Tel: 718.668.2478 /
Email: Fong’s Hung Ga Kung Fu Association, NY
Head Instructor: Sifu
1838 N. Nob Hill Road
Plantation, FL 33324
Broward County
Tel: 954.452.4246
Email: Fong’s Hung Ga Kung Fu Association, FL
[What is Hung Ga] [Fong’s Lineage] [History of Hung Ga] [Hung Ga Forms] [Student Bulletin Broad]
[Class Schedule]
[Directions] [Special Events]
[Master Frank Yee] [About Sifu Fong]
[Fong’s New York Branch][Fong’s Florida Branch][Yee’s Academy Branches][Wong Fei Hung
Web Site maintained
by: Maurice Morrison
Last Updated: 5/1/03