Announcing High School Wrestling in Lumpkin County

Lumpkin County High School is AA, in Region 7. We are located in Dahlonega Georgia, which is the site of the first Gold Rush in the U.S. We enter several touraments each year and we are the host of the John Smith Mountaineer Invitational in December. Our State Tournament begins Friday, February 12th and 13th in Fitzgerald, Ga.

Area, Region 7 AA Team Results: As a team, we took Third Place. Individuals: We had 2 capture First in their weight classes , Kyle Barr at 130lb class and Adam Johnson at the 145lb. Josh Carpenter 140lb, Craig Gentry at 215lb Trey Kelly at 275lb placed Second,,,Nick Harrich at 103lb. and Rusty Transue at 189lb placed Fourth and Kevin Johnson received a Fifth place.

Well, Our 1998-99 season has come to the end. We had a great season. We had 2 great placements at our State Tournament, which was held in Fitzgerald, Ga. Senior, Trey Kelly took Second Place in the Heavy Weight Class and Senior, Kyle Barr placed Fifth in his 130 pound class. We want to thank everyone who has supported our team this year. As Web Master, I'll be concentrating on our Baseball Page.


Trey Kelly and Graig Gentry tied MostPins
         Trey Kelly received The Bad Indian Award
         Kyle Barr took home The Coach's Award as Team Captain
         Adam Johnson received MVP
         Josh Carpenter received The Academic Award
         Nick Harrich earned The Young Indian Award
         Brandon Phillips was awarded Most Improved

Our first tourament, The Christmas Rumble, we finished second and we had 9 weight classes battling it out for first and second.

The John Smith Mountaineer, Kyle Barr, Kevin Johnson, and Trey Kelly all took first place in their weight classes. Placing second was Nick Harrick, Adam Johnson and Craig Gentry

The Amicalola Tournament was held last Friday and Saturday at Dawson County High School. Taking first in their weight classes were Craig Gentry and Trey Kelly. Placing second was Adam Johnson. Placing third, Kyle Barr, Josh Carpenter, and Kevin Johnson. Placing fourth, Nick Harrich and Brandon Phillips.

The Viking Invitational, Our team placed fourth, and our placements were: 140lb Josh Carpenter placed third, 145lb Adam Johnson placed first, 152lb Kevin Johnson placed first, 189lb Rusty Transue placed fourth, 215lb Craig Gentry placed third, and 275lb Trey Kelly placed second.

Our 1998 - 1999 team are having a great season.

Our record is 13 - 3

Co-Captains are Kyle Barr and Craig Gentry

Head Coach.....John McCrary ... Assist: Bruce Pilgrim

Lumpkin County High School 100 School Drive Dahlonega, Ga. 30533 Work (706) 864-3254 Home (706) 864-5287

Follow the links below for more information on our outstanding team

Wrestler Information and Pictures
1998-1999 Schedule
1998-1999 Team & Individual Records
Team Photo
Photo Of the Week
Our Mat Maids
John Smith Tournament Results
Silverhawks N. A. Graphics

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