
last edited: Wednesday 1 April, 2009

A B O U T   M E

Born on 30 May 1970 in Odessa.
A silver medalist of the Ukrainian U-17 Championship in 1984.
Shared 7th-10th places in the USSR U-18 Championship in 1985.
Played on the Ukrainian U-18 team in 1988.
International Chess Grandmaster since 1996.
Champion of Ukraine in 1996.
Highest ELO rating achieved: 2570 in January 1995.
Highest position in the world rankings: 109th-119th in January 1994.
Highest position among Ukrainians: 8th in January 1994.
Clear or shared first in 16 international tournaments with a long time control (1992-2006).
Active as chess journalist since 1998.
In 1998-2003 editor of the website Ukrainian Chess Online.
In October 2006 - February 2007 member of the Board of the Association of Chess Professionals.
Author of chess books: Easy Guide to the Dragon (1999), The Sicilian Sozin (2001), Understanding the King's Indian (2006).

N E W S :

Interview for Latestchess.com

In March 2009 I gave an interview for the website Latestchess.com. Cool stuff, as usual. :-)
Latest Chess


On 18 February 2009 my second monthly update of the KID section was posted at www.ChessPublishing.com. In the near future, besides the usual journalistic work, I will be involved in covering the King's Indian Defence at this unique, in its own way, chess openings site. It would be illogical to concentrate on two specific King's Indian projects simultaneously. So, starting from now I will stop updating mikhail-golubev.livejournal.com, a small blog, devoted to my book UNDERSTANDING THE KING'S INDIAN, published by Gambit Publications in the beginning of 2006. Note that my main homepage remains www.geocities.com/mikhail_golubev

Arcapita Open, Bahrain

On 24 January - 2 February 2009 I played in the Arcapita International Chess Championship in Manama, Bahrain and also reported from the event.
Bahrain Chess Club

4th Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup

The 4th Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup took place in Odessa 30th May - 2nd June 2008. It is not usual for me (especially lately) to play against such opposition. Hence, the result. Final standings: 1-4. Tregubov, Drozdovskij, Gelfand and Ponomariov - 9. 5.Karpov - 8,5, 6-7.Korchnoi and Beim - 4, 8.Golubev - 3,5. Shortly after the Odessa tournament I left for Foros to work as a commentator.
Games from Odessa at Chessgames.com
My games versus Viktor Korchnoi, annotated (CT-2766, pdf file)
Photo report at ChessPro.ru (the text is in Russian)
Day 1 report by Novaya Odessa (RUS-language Odessa TV channel)
Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup 2008: Mikhail Golubev

Odessa Championship

(25 April 2008). Yesterday I filled a certain gap in my career. Once, in 1996, I won the Ukrainian championship, but I never was a champion of my hometown. On 16-24 April 2008 I played in the Odessa City & Region open championship, and somehow managed to take first place.
Final standings:
1. GM Golubev (2474) - 8 out of 9, 2. IM Fingerov (2347) - 7.5, 3. Reshetkov (2124) - 7, 4-6. Bogdanovich (2327), Funtikov and Fiodorov (2223) - 6.5, etc. (67 players).
My previous participation in the regional championship was in
1987/1988, which was quite a strong round robin with six further GMs and three further IMs playing. The oldest participant, USSR master Tokarev, has passed away since then. Others are living in USA, Germany, Austria, Spain, Israel, and even in Ukraine.
Mikhail Golubev - Odessa Chess Championship 2008

30 Years of Tournament Chess

(11 January 2008). In September 1977 I entered the Odessa chess club for the first time. My first chess tournament was very soon afterwards. As I had already played for a year with members of my family, I made the third category quickly. My latest tournament was the Odessa Geller Memorial Open in September 2007. Thus, 30 years of tournament chess for me! Below is a file with all my preserved games (from all kind of chess competitions, with the exception of blitz). Many things are not preserved, including almost all my early games, played until 1983. If my former opponents would send me any absent games by email, I would be very grateful.
ALL my preserved games (zipped CBV format)

Two Issues of Chess Today

Please look at two sample issues of Chess Today (pdf files only): CT-2500 (September 12, 2007) and CT-2506 (September 18, 2007). The latter has my report from the Odessa Geller Memorial Open (the only classical tournament where I planned to play this year). Former is our anniversary issue, which has, in particular, predictions of CT journalists for the Mexico 2007 World Championship. Our editor-in-chief and our team were congratulated by many colleagues. Many thanks! Grandmaster Lubomir Kavalek wrote the following in the Washington Post on September 17, 2007:
- Alexander Baburin's excellent electronic daily Chess Today published its 2,500th issue last week. Congratulations! This remarkable product, indispensable for tournament players, provides well-commented games and timely news. More information and free samples are at http://www.chesstoday.net.

Chess Today

The Chess Mind

In July 2007 I answered 20 questions for the blog The Chess Mind by Dennis Monokroussos. My game versus IM Renzo Mantovani from Biel, 1992 was published there as well.
Golubev interview The Chess Mind

Elista, Foros, Odessa

(18 July 2007). After assisting (alas, with unsatisfying result) to Ruslan Ponomariov at the Candidates Matches in Elista in May and working in the press centre at two Ukrainain tournaments, the Aerosvit-2007 (Foros, June) and the 3rd Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup (Odessa, July) I finally have a time for updating this website and for other, even more senseless things... In Foros I was responsible for the daily comments to the games and in Odessa (together with Misha Savinov) for news of the tournament site. I also reported from these events (in case of Elista, after the end of the match) for Chess Today, Komanda, ChessPro.ru, and The British Chess Magazine. I am grateful to Misha Savinov for the interview with me which was conducted in Odessa and published (in English) in Misha's column at ChessCafe.com on July 11. Two interviews which were made by myself, with Alexander Onischuk (in Foros) and with Vasyl Ivanchuk (in Odessa) were published in the newspaper Komanda, in Russian.

The First ACP World Cup

On 4-8 January 2007 I worked in the press centre of the 1st ACP World Cup, which was held in Hotel Londonskaya in Odessa, and also reported for both website ChessPro.ru and newspaper Komanda. In was a fantastic event. For some days Odessa became a true chess capital of the world. In the final Peter Leko defeated Vasyl Ivanchuk in the tiebreak blitz games. After the event end, I prepared several reports for Chess Today (CT-2255, CT-2258, CT-2263), and wrote an article which was published in the February 2007 issue of the British Chess Magazine. In February 2007, being overloaded with journalistic work, I quitted the Board of the Association of Chess Professionals. These four months when I worked there became an important and largely positive experience. Certainly, I would continue to support the ACP (as an ordinary member) as well as new chess tournaments in Odessa. (19 March 2007).
ACP Wcup 2007 Photos
Mikhail Golubev

Many events in Ukraine

(31 October 2006). My recent activities have been related with the Ukrainian chess events. In June-September 2006 I played in the Alushta Summer GM tournament, worked as a commentator at the Foros supertournament, played in the 2nd Geller Memorial Pivdenny Bank rapid, played in the Ilyichevsk Sunny Pawn GM tournament, participated in the Odessa-Istanbul-Odessa chess cruise (TWIC-617; ChessBase.com; ChessBase.de), and played in the 2nd Geller Memorial Open. In October 2006 I was elected by the ACP (Association of Chess Professionals) Board members and became a new member of the ACP Board. The First ACP World Rapid Cup will be organised in Odessa by the ACP and Pivdenny Bank, it will take place in January 2007. Chess journalism remains to be my primary occupation.

Mtel Masters 2006

I reported from the 2nd edition of the Mtel Masters tournament, which took place in Sofia on 11-21 May, for Chess Today (Issues 2012-2016 and 2018-2022; 28 annotated games) and for the Russian website ChessPro. There also was one photo report for the ACP site. More, but very small, photos can be found at this site (page-1; page-2). Tournament's final standings: Topalov 6.5 Kamsky 6.0 Anand 5.5 Svidler 5.0 Bacrot and Ponomariov 3.5.

Chess Today: the 2000th issue is out!

From Chess Today - 2000 (30th April 2006):
Whose Games did we Annotate? It is true to say that the CT team have annotated quite a lot of games in these two thousand issues. It was curious to check whose games were annotated the most in CT. On the whole, our preferences were on the side of such players who, in this period, were active at the top level (had enough invitations!?), strong, creative, cool and charismatic. Number of games (fragments), annotated in CT 1-2000: 1. Anand (175) 2. Kramnik (151) 3. Shirov (144) 4. Topalov (137) 5. Morozevich (125) 6. Kasparov (119) 7. Leko (112) 8. Svidler (92) 9. Van Wely (89) 10. Adams (86) 11. Grischuk (82) 12. Ivanchuk (80) 13. Ponomariov (76) 14-15. Bareev (74) 14-15. Kasimdzhanov (74)

CT-2000 pdf file
Chess Today 2000

Rector Cup 2006

The 8th Rector Cup took place 27th March - 7th April in Kharkov, in the National Law Academy of Ukraine (www.uracad.kharkiv.edu/maineng.html). Final standings: 1.GM Zubarev - 7.5/11; 2. GM Golubev - 7; 3. FM Lushenkov - 6.5; etc. (12 players, 3 GMs, 6 IMs, average rating 2423). The full results of the men's and women's tournaments are available at: www.ukrchess.org.ua/turnir/t085u.html (in Ukrainian) or www.chesscenter.com/twic/twic596.html#15.
Rector Chess Cup 2006

Understanding the King's Indian is out!

My third book, Understanding the King's Indian, is published by Gambit Publications in February, 2006. I started to accumulate related links on the separate small site: mikhail_golubev.livejournal.com (or mikhail-golubev.livejournal.com). All visitors are welcome to comment.
Understanding the King's Indian

Moscow Aeroflot 2006

Several photos from the 5th Aeroflot Open (Moscow, February 8-16 2006) can be found on a separate page here. I scored 4.5 points out of 9 in the A2 Group: rather a shameful result, I agree! But it could have been even worse. One of my reports from Moscow can be found in the Chess Today - 1927 pdf file.
Misha and Carmen: Aeroflot Open 2006

Bucharest Open 2005

Chess Today - 1873 pdf file (Bucharest Memorialul Revolutii Open, 14-22 December 2005: report and games; Starting Out: The Sicilian Dragon reviewed) is added to selection of articles. Note: Chess Today is copyright by GM Alexander Baburin; any reproduction of CT files without his consent is strictly prohibited.

Svobodu Ne Spynyty!

Freedom is Unstoppable! (Ukr). I was not sure whether I should or should not celebrate the anniversary of the Orange Revolution on my personal page. After all, many of my compatriots have voted against my hope in 2004. I should respect their feelings. So, I will limit myself to a two random Ukraine-related quotes taken from the Guardian newspaper.
- The name of the country is not the Ukraine. It is Ukraine. The 'the' for Ukrainians has echoes of imperial and soviet dependence.
Edgy attitudes towards Ukraine, 14 Aug 04.
- The idea that Europe, in its current xenophobic state, will embrace 48 million Ukrainians on an average salary that makes Romanians rich by comparison, is an absurd illusion. A future that isn't orange, 6 Dec 04.

Later is better than never (11 Nov 2005)

Finally, I found the time to post 90 (selected) photos from the Mtel Masters tournament (Sofia, 11-22 May 2005). Earlier, my reports from Sofia were published in Chess Today, British Chess Magazine, Komanda and 64 Chess Review.
Sofia 2005 photos (3.4 Mb)
Mtel Masters logo

Chess Today celebrates its 5th Birthday!

On 7th November 2005 the first daily chess newspaper on the net, Chess Today, celebrated its 5th birthday.
CT-1826 pdf file.

Chess Today celebrates its 5th Birthday

July 2005 BCM issue

I acted as guest editor for the special issue (July 2005) of the world's oldest chess magazine, The British Chess Magazine. Other Ukrainian contributors were: Ruslan Ponomariov, Olena Boytsun, Valeri Beim, Mikhail Podgaets, Andrei Yeremenko, Efim Lazarev and Alexander Moiseenko. Details are available at the BCM Online website.

BCM July 2005

L I N K S :   J O U R N A L I S M
I write and annotate for... (offline and online)
Informator (since 1985), New in Chess (since 1988), BCM (since 1999)...
Kasparov.com (2000), Kasparovchess.ru - WCR (2000-2003),
ChessPro.ru (since 2004)
Chessportal.od.ua (since 2006)
The first Net-based daily chess newspaper: Chess Today (since 2001)
ChessPublishing.com (since 2009)
Newspaper Komanda (since 2003)
my old site, Ukrainian Chess Online (archives)
Ukrainian Chess Online, English version
Ukrainian Chess Online, Russian version
Ruslan Ponomariov's Page
Alex Baburin's Chess Today newsletter (basic links)
CT site: www.chesstoday.net
Chess Today at Yahoo
Sample CT issues and articles at Chess Sector (2000-2003)
Chess Today celebrates its 1000th issue (About.com, 2003)
books, written by me (no links to reviews here)
Easy Guide to the Dragon (Everyman/Gambit, 1999)
The Sicilian Sozin (Gambit, 2001)
Experts vs. the Sicilian (Quality Chess, 2004) - 10 co-authors!
Understanding the King's Indian (Gambit, 2006)
online articles (some memorable ones)
ChessDom.com Featured Chess Author, June 2008
Living Chess, Odessa-2007 (ChessBase, English version)
Living Chess, Odessa-2007 (ChessBase, German version)
Living Chess, Odessa-2007 (ChessPro, in Russian)
Kramnik vs Aronian (Chess Today - chessolympiad-torino2006.org; pdf)
Vladimir Tukmakov turns sixty (Chess Today - ChessBase)
Bucharest-2005 and Book Review (CT-1873, pdf file)
I turned 35 (CT-1665, pdf file)
Book Review: Play the Sicilian Dragon (Chess Today, 2005; pdf)
CD Review: B75-B79 (Chess Today, 2004; pdf)
Chess in Belgium: Chess Today articles at schach.be (2002-04)
Ponomariov vs Kasparov: Preview in Russian! (August 2003)
Problems in FIDE (January 2003; two articles in pdf file)
Impressions of Chess Informant 83 EE (Chess Today, 2002; pdf)
Gruesse aus Odessa (KARLonline.org, 2002; in German)
A Sea of Benefit and an Ocean of Pleasure (Chess-Sector, 2000)
Rating of Internet Chess Resources (Chess-Sector, December 1999)
covering the big tournaments...
Amber 2009 round by round (ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Ivanchuk vs Leko, rapid, 2009 (photo report at ChessBase.de)
Anand vs Kramnik, 2008 (Sport-Express notes as CBV)
Anand vs Kramnik, 2008 (live notes in Russian for Sport-Express.ru)
Anand vs Kramnik, Bonn 2008 (preview for ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Karjakin vs Short, Kiev 2008 (photo report at ChessPro.ru)
Aerosvit Foros 2008 (reports for ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Aerosvit Foros 2008 (online comments for the official event site)
Baku 2008 Dragon's Rise (ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Amber 2008 (express round reviews at ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Kramnik-Anand, Mexico 2007 (live notes at ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Aerosvit Foros 2007 (reports for ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Aerosvit Foros 2007 (online comments for the official event site)
Linares 2007 articles (ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Topalov vs Kramnik 2006 notes (ChessPro.ru; Russian and English)
Aerosvit Foros 2006 (reports for ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Aerosvit Foros 2006 (online comments for the official event site)
Topalov vs Nisipeanu 2006 (reports for ChessPro.ru; in Russian)
Reporting from the 2006 Aeroflot Open (CT-1927, pdf file)
Kishinev Ech Wom Photo Report (ChessBase.de)
Russia vs The ROW: Online Diary (Chess-Sector, 2002; in Russian)
some interviews with good people (conducted by me)
Chatting with Magnus Carlsen (ChessPro, 24 June 2008; in Russian)
Interview with Vishy Anand (ChessPro, 7 November 2007; in Russian)
Interview with Hartmut Metz (Chess Today, 2004)
Interview with Igor Glek (Chess Today, 2003)
Interview with Yasser Seirawan (Chess Today, 2003)
Interview with Rene Olthof (Chess Today, 2002)
Interview with Viorel Bologan (Chess Today, 2002)
Interview with Ruslan Ponomariov (Chess-Sector, 2002)
Interview with Andrei Volokitin (Chess-Sector, 2001)
Interview with Viacheslav Eingorn (Kasparov.com, 2000)
Interview with Natalia Zhukova (Kasparov.com, 2000)

L I N K S :   P L A Y I N G   C H E S S
my chess games (unannotated)
GM-Norm games (1994-1996)
Selected games (1982-2002)
Ten combinations (CBV file)
ALL (preserved) games in zipped CBV
My games in the ChessBase Player Database
My games at Chessgames.com
tournaments, where I played (not all of them!)
Manama (Bahrain), January-February 2009
Leiden (The Netherlands), July 2008
4th Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup (photos at ChessBase.de)
4th Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup (annotated games; in Russian)
4th Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup (overview in Russian)
Odessa-Istanbul Cruise Tournament
Pivdenny Bank Geller Memorial 2006 (overview in Russian)
Blitz in honour of V.Tukmakov, 5 March 2006
Pivdenny Bank Geller Memorial, Odessa 2005
Canarias en Red Internet Blitz, 2004
Staufer Open, Schwabisch Gmuend 2004
Leuven Open 2003 (+animated gif file)
ELDI Snelschaak Marathon 2003
Bethune (France) Open 2002
Toamna Albastra, Bucharest 2002
Ukrainian Championship 2001 (CT report; pdf)
Swiss Championship, Scuol 2001
Chemnitz (Germany) Open 1998
Noteboom Toernooi, Leiden (The Netherlands) 1998
Alushta (Ukraine) 1994, Category 14
Neuchatel (Switzerland) Open 1993
chess clubs (present and past)
Sah Club Juventus (Romania)
Stuttgarter Schachfreunde (Germany) 2000-2004
SK Turm Eynatten (Belgium)
SV Springer Siershahn (Germany) 1995-1999
SK Rochade Eupen-Kelmis (Belgium) 1993-1998
annotated games (the best only)
Golubev-G.Szabo, Bucharest 2001
Golubev-Mantovani, Biel 1992 (CT-1194 pdf file)
Shirov-Golubev, Bundesliga 2002 (notes in Russian)
Golubev-Kruppa, Kiev 1995 (notes in Russian)
my games, annotated by other players (thanks a lot!)
Piket-Golubev, BL 2002/3, annotated by Max Notkin (CBV)
Seven games, annotated by Frank Zeller; in German (zipped pdf)

L I N K S :   G E N E R A L
my 'personal pages' at... (important websites)
Newinchess.com (publications)
Internet Chess Club (member's page)
Everymanchess.com (books)
Seagaard Chess Reviews (books)
FIDE.com (international rating)
Chess.Vrsac.com (international rating)
DWZ (German rating)
Chesspage.kiev.ua (biography in Russian)
Newspaper Komanda (latest articles; in Russian)
interviews with me (hard to believe)
Latestchess.com, March 2009
Newspaper Segodnya, Kiev (in Russian; 12th September 2007)
By Dennis Monokroussos, The Chess Mind (July 2007)
Newspaper Porto-Franco (13th July 2007; in Russian)
By Misha Savinov at ChessCafe.com (11th July 2007)
Interview at the ACP site (20th March 2006)
By Soren Sogaard, Seagaard Chess Reviews (16th March 2003)
By Santhosh Matthew Paul, CCNews 31 (14th Jan 2001)
Odessa, Ukraine (my hometown) - Wikipedia
European Clubs Cup 2004 (Photos)
Mtel Masters 2005 (Photos)
Moscow Aeroflot 2006 (Photos)
The 1st ACP World Cup, Odessa 2007 (Photos)
About my grandmother, Zinaida P. Suranova (in Russian)
My videos at YouTube.com

The upper picture is by Radu Chirila (Bucharest, 2006).
On the bottom picture is my daughter Anna in 2000.
Last edited: Wednesday 1 April, 2009.
More next time!
© Mikhail Golubev
