Eric and Yvonne's Home Page

Welcome to Eric and Yvonne's page!


Hello! We are Eric and Yvonne. I am 28, male, and from Dayton, Ohio, USA. My wife Yvonne is 32 years old and originally form the Philippines. She now lives in Dayton, Ohio. I think the world of her and I love her very much. She is the only woman in my life and I love it that way.

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I studied Japanese for 4 years. I am also a brown belt in a martial art called Jukado.

Some other activities I like doing are:Bowling, playing pool (On occasion), and swimming (Mostly in the summer though).

I like rap and comedy also. My favorite rappers are: East End X Yuri, The Fresh Prince Will Smith, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Ice Cube, L.L.Cool J. ,Dr. Dre, 2 Pac and many more.Some of my favorite comedians are: Dana Carvey, Jim Carey, Chris Farley, Dave Shapel, Margret Cho, The Kids in the Hall, The State, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and alot of others.

I also like Weird Al Yankovic, I think he is a very funny and good musician. Try Yankscape. A Weird Al "enhanced" browser.

I am a big fan of The Spice Girls too. I really enjoy their music. I listen to them all the time.They are my favorite all girl band.

My favorite movie is The Hunted, it was made in 1995 and has Joan Chen , John Lone, Christopher Lambert, and Yoko Shimada in it. It is a Ninja 'vs' Samurai movie and I like it very much and would suggest that you check it out real soon if you haven't seen it yet.

Another one of my favorite movies is Groundhog Day. It's a romatic comedy starring Bill Murray and Andie McDowell. I like the premise of the movie, being able to relive the same day over and over again till you get it right.

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My favorite TV series are:

1: The Bold and the Beautiful

2: Lois and Clark

My favorite cartoon series are:

1: Betty Boop

2: Scooby Doo and Friends

3: The Flintstones

My favorite singers are:

1: The Spice Girls

2: Back Street Boys

3: No Mercy

My favorite kinds of music are:

1: love songs

2: ballods

3: slow rock

Other sites to visit on this page

Tagalog (The Language of the Philippines)
Foreign Languages
Martial Arts
Bag of Wisdom
Pro Wrestling

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