
A Community of Homebrewers



Gyle is a community of homebrewers, for homebrewers, by homebrewers. As our affectionate better halves call us "homies." In a world where life in the fast lane is OK for those who enjoy life going by as one big blur. Gyle is the Calgon bath in the left lane of life. If Uncle Joe from Petticoat Junction were alive today, he would be our mayor, because he's a movin' kinda' slow. We like that. If you think you would enjoy a place where cell phones have been replace by a telegraph office. Where a microwave has been replaced by a slow rolling boil. Where patience isn't a virtue, it's a way of life. Then stay "Awhile in Gyle." We live by three creeds right now. The first is, "if you can boil water, you can brew beer." The second is inscribed below the statue of Ben Franklin located in Ben Franklin Memorial located in the City Centre.

ben franklin paul_harvey

Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy.

- Benjamin Franklin -

The third you may have seen on bottle caps, a t-shirt, or a book. "Relax, don't worry, enjoy a homebrew." We would enjoy welcoming you to our community. If you homebrew, we would love to give you some real-estate to put your "brewery" in Gyle. Just head to the land-office, and stake your claim. If you don't brew. we have some lovely townhouses over-looking Lake of the Gyle. The title clerk will register your claim, and get back to you. Here are some of the other offices in Gyle:

Gyle U Brew School:
We offer three degrees. (Cold, tepid, hot...just kidding)
Bachelor of Brewing - The nurturing of the all-extract brew.
Post Graduate School - The art of the Extract and Grain brew.
Masters Degree - The crafting of an all-grain brew.
We don't offer a doctorate program yet. Because we ain't got nobody that darn smart yet. Thing is, if you ain't learning something from every batch, you probably could be our Doctoral Professor. Send us your resume, and your favorite recipe.

Gyle Library:
This is where we keep our reference stuff. You know like glossaries, archived recipes, archived recipe reviews, recommended reading. You know stuff like you would find at library. We are looking for a few German Homebrew Drinking Polka records. Let us know if you can help.

Gyle Assay Office:
This is where you will find the new recipes. Try 'em, rate 'em, send 'em in. We're looking for ones that are as "good as gold."

Gyle Gulch Groggery:
This is where you'll find me when I have no responsibilty for the day. This is where you'll find people conversin', a message board, a dart board. Anyone can use a four-letter word. Here in Gyle, we use an eight-letter word. Argfartz. We use it when a calamity strikes while brewing. Add your calamity to the argfartz board. There is stuff for sale, vote for your favorite brew, beer tips , info on beer judging, fartin', and lots more in the Groggery!

Gyle Museum Of Photographic Art
No, no, no, this isn't what you think. Everybody has there clothes on here. This museum has pictures of brewing equipment, and brewing set-ups. I realize it's not like looking at a picture of Shania Twain. But what would you rather look at? A picture of a brewkettle, or of Shania?

Gyle Land Office:
Stake your claim, become a Gyle Patriot-Brewer. just let us know the name of your "brewery", and we'll give your some prime Gyle real estate. We'd understand if there is some apprehension about giving your e-mail address. We can understand that. We can assure you, as victims of "spamming" we would not ever do that to you. First off, it wastes valuable brewing time, second, if your mad at us, you can't help us in our quest to make the perfect batch of homebrew. So join our gang, and let's enjoy one in the Groggery.

Gyle Telegraph Office:
Should you ever need to contact Gyle City Hall, this is the place to do it. Questions answered, suggestions taken, babies kissed, votes recounted, checks in the mail, your input welcome.

That is kind of a slow tour of Gyle in our '53 Studebaker Pick-up. If you would like to spend some time, where you can stop and smell the hops. Where everyones favorite four-letter word is wort. Where politically correct means the mayors' tie doesn't clash with his suit. We're a new community and may take time to grow. We invite you to Gyle, where guys dig chicks, chicks dig guys, and both dig homebrewing.


Gyle City Offices
Assay | Brew School | Groggery | Land Office | Library | Museum | Store | Telegraph

Copyright 2000 - tek1959