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Les Ryan - 11/02/00 18:53:21
My Email:ryanles@aol.com
Favorite Colt: Johnny U


Joe Kane - 04/26/00 14:41:25
My Email:Baltimorefootbal@aol.com
Favorite Colt: Bill Pellinton / Rick Volt

WOW, I glad i ran across your site. Its great to see we still have Baltimore Colt fan outside the Baltimore area.

Willie D. - 11/10/99 18:05:37
My Email:Willid74@aol.com
Favorite Colt: Bobby Boyd, Billy Ray Smith, Art Donovan


Ron Cage - 09/27/99 19:36:33
My Email:rcage@nfcu.org
Favorite Colt: Johnny Unitas

Nice page. I just wish we could get the Colts name back.

Lou Giotis - 09/27/99 14:14:14
My Email:loutrudyholly@erols.com
Favorite Colt: Johnny Unitas


Joe Lowe - 09/05/99 16:18:20
My Email:Goindy@msn.com
Favorite Colt: John Unitas, Burt Jones, Jim Harbaugh

I have enjoyed your web site. If anyone has information on a Burt Jones Web site please forward it to my e-mail. Also I am in the market for a Burt Jones Autographed or un autographed Jersey. ( a reproduction Jersey is fine.) I was a Baltimore Colts Fan f om the time I can remember starting to watch football. I was crushed when the team move to Indy but they will always be my favorite team. Lets hope Payton can give us a little excitement in the coming years.

Andy Sadler - 07/29/99 18:28:30
My Email:asadler@midwest.net
Favorite Colt: Johnny U

I am also a Colt fan that never saw a game in Baltimore. I grew up in Illinois and became a Colts fan during the 1958 season. I can remember watching football on TV with my Dad and uncle and asking, "what team is that with horse shoe on their helmets?" 've been a Baltimore Colts fan ever since.

Bob Farrell - 07/25/99 19:45:08
My Email:bobann133@aol.com
Favorite Colt: Johnny Unitas

I too am a Baltimore Colts fan. Many a Sunday I sat in Memorial Stadium watching the greatest team in the NFL. I had the opportunity to have shaken John Unitas hand, and he autographed a picture of himself for me, but I lost it.

Don Turner - 07/03/99 21:37:38
My Email:dbt@trytel.com
Favorite Colt: Unitas, Moore, Berry, Matte, Orr, Curtis, Mackey,

Great site and links. Many thanks from a life long Baltimore Colts fan

Bryan Fischer - 07/02/99 04:54:53
My URL:/Vienna/Strasse/8452/
My Email:captfischer@altavista.net
Favorite Colt: Johnny Unitas

Well, I played for the Colt's Band until a few weeks ago. It changed over to the ravens band a while back. All I have to say is that the ravens have no idea how to win a Baltimorean's heart and are only out there to make money and that just plain sucks. I will never love another team like the Colts...because there never will be one like it again. Let's Go You Colts!

Rob Porter - 06/06/99 19:18:21
My Email:bobbyb28@hotmail.com
Favorite Colt: Jimmy Orr (28) & Johnny U (19)

Dont care for Indiapolis Colts at all

Rob Porter - 06/06/99 19:18:02
My Email:bobbyb28@hotmail.com
Favorite Colt: Jimmy Orr (28) & Johnny U (19)

Dont care for Indiapolis Colts at all

Josh - 04/29/99 06:29:26
My Email:promisekeeper19m@yahoo.com
Favorite Colt: I would say Ricky Williams, but they decided to draft James instead. I am sorry!

I must say thank you very much I am in a class at the university of wyoming which is American Studies, I was looking as to why the NFL got so big in the late 50's early 60's and I really appreciate some of the pictures I got off of your website, if you ha e any beefs with me using any of your photos on a website, please let me know. Thanks a lot, Josh

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