The top ten lists.
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The first top ten lists.

The top ten reasons why dating sucks.

10. dating takes way to much of your time.
9. dating tends to be very ruff on your winter fun activities.
8. dating takes away your true friends.
7. dating takes away from your drinking time with true friends.
6. dating in college just plain sucks.
5. dating just inst any fun after awile of nagging.
4. dating just isnt what fun it used to be.
3. dating a real bitch takes a toll on you.
2. its college sleep around.

The top ten reason why going skiing is better than dating.

10. skiing is much more fun
9. you dont have to go and sit through a tear jerker.
8. you can bust rhymes and drink beer.
7. you dont have to listen to your bitch.
6. you can ski in peace.
5. lots of snow bunnies to look at.
4. fun.
3. beer.
2. skiing is great.
1. Busting rhymes and showing up the losers in the boardpark.

The top ten reasons why porn is better than the real thing.

10. you dont have to look at your woman in the eye.
9. you can talk dirty to porn and not get in trouble.
8. you dont have to buy anything for porn.
7. you get to be alone with ones self.
6. you can cheat on porn.
5. porn doesnt get mad if you do something it doesnt like.
4. there is always someone new.
3. dont have to yell at porn.
2. no one will get pregnant.
1. you cant get the FUNK.

The top ten reasons why i have a shitty car.

10. my parents hate me, and they love my sister more.
9. my shithole brother gets everything wants.
8. i always get the shit end of the deal.
7. my parnets will not spend the money.
6. my sister wrecked my first car.
5. it was cheap at first, but its a money pit.
4. something always breaks.
3. i dont wash or take care of a P.O.S.
2. it looks like shit, and that is exactly what it is.
1. my beretta was wrecked while i was away at school and i needed a car so i go a pile of shit.

The top ten reasons why college is so much fun.

10. you dont have to listen to anyone.
9. do whatever the hell you want.
8. you can get wasted everyday.
7. its REALLY FUN.
6. lots of girls.
5. beer.
4. beer.
3. sex.
2. beer.
1. its FUCKING COLLEGE, the time of your life.

The top ten links to other sites.


That is all for now, but in the future i will put others up.
ttyl for now...... catch yall later.....