Hello to everyone. Just a quick update about the new website. Nathan and I have been working on putting some final touches on the new site, but we are not quite ready to post it quite yet. Nathan and I are both busy with our courses and do not have the great amount of time that is necessary to transfer all the data over to the new site. However, we do plan on getting it up by the first week of November. Initially, the new site will only be information that is currently on this site right now, but it will be in a (we hope) more user-friendly and more professional- looking manner. We are looking at adding a Poll as well as a Forum to the new website in the near future as well. No promises, but we will do our best.
As I mentioned before, Nathan will take on the main duties of maintaining the website. I will, however, continue to update the Honour Scores/High Average Lists as well as all the CTF Provincial records and statistics. I am currently converting all these lists and information into PDF files (Adobe Acrobat), so look for that on the new website in the near future as well.
The host of the new website will be different, but the URL or website address of the site will continue to be the same -> geocities.com/bcyouthbowling
Thanks for your patience as Nathan and I work out the kinks of creating the new website. We hope to get the site up and running as soon as we can. For those that I have emails for, I will email everyone when it is ready. For everyone else, please keep checking back!
Donald Nip |