Last Updated May 1, 1999

Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers

Card Of The Week

1999 Upper Deck Black Diamond Mystery Numbers Scott Rolen


B-Ball Card Universe specializes in baseball and basketball cards from 1990 to present day. When confirming a deal (money or trade) please be sure to carefully read the policy page for all the details on dealing with B-Ball Card Universe.  The goal here at BCU is to establish an honest web site for which the collector can easily find what he/she is looking for.  To establish this we try our hardest to improve  this site as new ideas come.  If you would like to see a picture of a card before confirming a sale/trade feel free to do so and you have a scanned image of that card e-mailed to you as soon as possible.  Also, if you are looking for a good pay per click program that is free try out for the best on the net.  Click on the image below and you can help me out as well.  

New To Jake's B-Ball Cards

New features include an exclusive links page featuring the top sports card related sites as well as another links page featuring basketball sites and fan sites. Also a form to submit your URL to me and a selection of banners and buttons I have created to advertise my site. Please do not copy anything from them because I took a lot of time to make them.

Also new to Jake's B-Ball Cards is a sports news which features all of the latest news on both baseball and basketball from sports box scores to the latest trades. (Featured by ESPN and/or CBS Sportsline)

L. Update(s)

B-Ball Card Universe is in the process of a major inventory listing. There will soon be as planned a complete listing of players from the hottest stars to those not so hot local town players. Also included in B-Ball Card Universe is a listing of the hottest inserts.  The goal here at B-Ball Card Universe is to provide a trustworthy trading center for baseball and basketball card collectors.  Therefore if you find the need to have a card scanned in and have the picture sent to you before you confirm a sale/trade please feel free to ask for that service.


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Mailing List

Please take the time to join the B-Ball Card mailing list. There will be contests and many opportunities to have discounts. There will be two mailing per month allowing you to get first hand updates on new cards and links. It is an easy and FREE process and it is strongly suggested that you join it.

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B-Ball Card Universe Copyright (C) 1998-99. All Rights reserved to the webmaster(s).  No content on this page may be reused without approval.  If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions feel free to contact the webmaster.