AAO's V2 Views


A player's statistics will have no effect after a while with the goal to be a player's peak being reached around 1.5-2 years after creation. Thus, allowing for new challenges at the top and the filtering of old players. This will also hold the need for a manager to know how to scout their own players to find out when a stat is giving little to no improvement for a player. All stats will grow, but at a point the growth of a stat has little effect on the player. The point where the effect is none will vary with each stat.
There should be no forced retirements.
There should be no deterioration of a statistic, as a player does not forget what he knowseven with a little bit of intelligence(a stat, and not even the idiots who go to jail at least once a week in real life forget something). They just won't improve. However, if forgeting something is based on intelligence, it should be permitted.

Player Limit

A player limit of about 40 players per manager should be set. This will also mean more aliases, but there should be some means of control in the game. And with the process of aging, making players in bulk will mean more hectic searching to find when a player is getting less effective in a stat.

Cash Cows

Cash cows should not be done away with at all. It shows a managerial skill to know how to cow, and use it effectively. Also, it'll take a very long time to learn how to cow in Version 2 if ever, and with the previously mentioned player limit, cowing will be at a cost because they'll be doing away with a limited player for the purpose of another. Also, cowing will be difficult to do as with multiple strats, finding the worst one will be hard. There has also been a mention that none would make for a sure loss.


This would be a great improvement in the game to help a manager learn better methods, however, one managerr can't think of all possibilites so there will still be many things to learn.
However, we won't mind if this is not implemented. This is just a time saver for all managers.


Getting rid of challenges will get rid of 3 things: Cash cows, experimenting(however, see scrimmages), and FUN!!!
What about the manager wars, alliance wars, tag team wars we've done in V1 to make the game more exciting?

More Leagues/Rumbles

Parallel leagues is a good idea, more leagues isn't. With parallel leagues, a player can challenge a player in their league or a parallel league, but a non-challenge match would only take place in the player's league, and not inside the parallel leagues unless an odd number would occur in the league due to inter-parallel league challenges. The amount of parallel leagues will vary as the ranking increases with just 1 Best of the Best.

More leagues would be better in V1. With V2 having a player limit strongly favored, V1 would be more of a place for league additions had it been done earlier. Now, people will start retiring V1 players for V2 and additions of players will lower when V2 takes off, which will lead to 0 additions when V2 is at full force because there will be no V1 CTs as Voltec has said to me(Greg).

More Rumbles is brilliant. And more different types of tournamaents. Some tournaments that can take place would be more rumbles on a given week, bringing back the Court Rumble while keeping the League Rumbles. With the Court Rumble we can have the first 16, 32, or even 64 first entries be put in with only 1 per manager.
There can also be a tournament with every manager entering one player that wishes to participate. And we can bring back April Madness where all League Rumbles and the Winner's Tournament took place on one day with no regular games.
More ideas for these tournaments can be made as the game has many brilliant minds. AAO will be sure to discuss ideas of this later on.

All ideas have been discussed and passed by the members of AAO.
All ideas are prior to August 9, 2000 and will be updated with more knowledge of what will happen.