Top Managers in the
Game---Preview---June 2000
Normally we put up a top 10, poor formula use list every now and then. Well, it took me a long week, but I got a full
length Top Manager in the Game List done!!!
This was the big surprise a few people heard that was going on to the AAO Page. No other AAO member knew this was
going up, and only one person even knew I was doing one, but he was let to believe it wouldn't be POSTED until
the end of NEXT WEEK.
Oh well!
These lists will be done 3 to a year, and to work best for me they will be done in late December/early January,
April(around Easter), and in August. The list is going up in June since there hasn't been one in a year.
In the Review section of this list, you will vote if you'd rather see the list go up in August or December. I vote
December because it's easier for me, and August is a little soon, but majority rules!
To be on the list you had to be on Danny and Sean's power list, and still be in the pros or above this week.
Here's a little breakdown of the formula:
30%-Older Player Maintenance
20%-Top Player Records
10%-Newer Player Maintenance
10%-Challenge Activity
05%-Cash Cow Access
The formula will probably see slight changes over the months to get it more accurate and fine tune it, though this
list looks very accurate except for one manager I disagree with. That will be mentioned later. Until then, let's get
into the list.
The format will look like this:
#1-#3 get a little more publicity, though the top 5 were clearly dominant over the rest, I just don't feel like
typing THAT much :-)

#30-#21 Managers in the Game